Taming You

80.3K 602 24

While reading some JenLisa fanfics here in wattpad, I decided to share my story too. I hope you all like it. All the love, J

Just wanna let you know that this is my first ever story here that I'll be posting in watty. I've got lots in my head but I chose this one. So it's inevitable to commit mistakes and such. So if you ever saw some grammatical error and it bothers you, you can message me and I'll try to fix it. The same thing with the typos. I hope you understand 😊

Author from the future. Yo it's me, I just noticed that my story has more than 1m reads. There's a lot of errors here; grammar, types, spellings, and many more. I wrote this story when I was 17, so I apologize in advance for those mistakes and errors. Love, J 💚

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