Taming You (9)

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Lisa's POV

"If Jennie finds out about this, I don't know what she'll do to you." Jisoo said and pocketed her phone. I kept on staring at her. That's all I can do at the moment, I was lost of words. Getting caught wasn't part of the plan. Heck, being friends with this lady in front of me and also with Rosé wasn't part of the plan either. And being this close to Jennie, never crossed my mind, even on my wildest dream.

"Jisoo..." all I could do is to utter her name.

"Tell me, I'll try to understand your reason. And I won't tell anyone, especially Jennie, about this. This isn't my story to tell, anyway." she shrug. Now she's really serious, gone was the weird lady.

"Mrs. Nam... she asked me to look after Jennie." I breathed out. "But, working under her company isn't part of it, I swear. Peter, my cousin, was the one who assigned me to be in Jennie's company because he owns a small company that deals with photography too, and I kind of work there." I start to explain.

"Kind of? What do you mean?" her brows furrows.

"Well... being a photographer isn't really my real job."

"What is your real job then, Lisa?" she demanded.

I sigh and close my eyes, I shouldn't be telling her this. Mrs. Nam ask me to keep this between the two of us only but, men, Jisoo has some kind of detective genes on her body.

"I... Uh, how do I say this?" I scratch the back of my head. "My family owns a company that provides security to some of the biggest names here in Asia. And I was one of the agents, but something happened two years ago, and my Mom wants me to stop working as an agent, because she's really worried whenever my team got into some sort of encounter and such, so I went here in Korea to pursue my passion in photography and I've been working under Peter's company for almost six months already."

"How did Jennie's mom find you?"

"I don't know either, not to flatter myself but, I'm one of the best agents in our company and I'm quite famous in the field of our business. Maybe that's why she asked me to be the personal security of Jennie. I accepted the job because it was easy and the money that I could get will be a very big help to the foundation that I'm supporting." I said. "And I swear again, Jisoo. I don't have any idea that Jennie is Mrs. Nam's daughter." I said while raising my right arm.

"You're supporting a foundation?" she ask instead.

"Yes, it's a foundation that my mother build when my grandmother was still alive. She wanted to help childrens whose suffering from cancer. And I wanted to continue what she'd started, I love helping them and seeing their smile is enough for me." I said smiling at the thought of those cute little children under our foundation, though it was sad that they're battling with cancer.

"You have a good heart, Lisa." she said smiling at me.

"You're not mad at me?" I was expecting her to turn around and tell Jennie about all the things that she discovered about me. She's Jennie's best friend too.

"Why would I? You didn't know the history between Jennie and Auntie when you accepted the job and you're doing it to help the foundation. I'm actually happy to know that you're helping them." she shrug.

"But, I wanna tell you this. Jennie, is starting to trust you, don't ask me how I know, I just know. And Lisa, please do not break her trust, she has a lot of trust issues. That's why she don't have many friends because of it, she's like a trust issue, personified." she paused. "I know you are responsible for her safety. But I hope you're not doing this--- being nice to her and all--, because its your work---"

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