Taming You (29)

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It's been a week since Chahee last saw her parents, they casually talk on the phone but she can't go and see them yet, for the reason that she's so busy about the upcoming event that her Clothing line will have next month and the preparations are not that easy. Nevertheless, she still find a way to talk to Jennie, without her mom knowing about it, of course. She already sent an email to her and still waiting for her reply. She knows how Jennie can be intolerable sometimes so she waited patiently.

"Chahee!" Esther came rushing towards her table that causes her to jolt on her seat.

"Yah, Esther-ssi, you startled me. Aigoo." Chahee said with her eyes widening. She had her hands pressed against her chest. Her heartbeats were erratic and for the first time since she had her operation, she was worried about her heart. No one startled her like that since then.

"Oh. I'm sorry. But, Miss Kim already responded to your email, saying that you should come to her office if you want to talk to her." her secretary said while showing her the iPad.

Chahee bit her lip as she reads the message. She never, ever, stepped a foot on Jennie's company. She knows how the lady despise her so she made sure not to bump with her anywhere. And now she wanted them to talk in her office? That's really bizarre.

"Okay. Ask her what time will she be available and I'll go there. ASAP." she instructed Esther and leaned on her swivel chair.

Now, Chahee was considering to bring that three ladies with her, the JOYERINDY girls. In case something... bad happen. But Jennie's not that devil tho, she thought.

"All done." Esther said pulling her out of her trance. Chahee nodded and told her to just give her the information if Jennie finally replied.

"Okay---oh! She already replied! Look." Esther was about to turn around but she came back running towards Chahee's desk, showing her the screen. That was fast.

Later, after lunch, 1:30 pm. I'll spare thirty minutes for you Miss Nam. I don't tolerate tardiness so I'd rather you come here before the said time. I'll be waiting.

Chahee scoffs, "She's so businesslike." she can actually hear Jennie's cold voice. Geez.

"Hmm. Because she's a business woman." Esther chimed in. Chahee nodded in agreement. Well, she's right.

"You'll come with me Esther. I don't have any commitments later, right?"

"No." she shook her head.

"Okay. After our lunch, we'll go to Kim Ent."

"Okay! I hope I'll bump with some idols there!" Esther excitedly squealed before leaving her office.

Chahee shook her head at her secretary. She's such a baby but she's reliable and she fitted the job well.


"Woaahh." Esther gaped at the building of the Kim Ent. She's like a kid with her both hands pressed against the car window.

"Wow. This building is enormous!" Esther gushed again as she alighted from the vehicle.

"Yeah." Chahee nodded her head and started walking to the entrance of the building. Esther was just following behind her, looking left and right tryna see a glimpse of some idols but as of now, there's no one yet.

"Hi, Good afternoon. May I know wheres's the office of Miss Jennie Kim?" Chahee ask the receptionist.

"Do you have any appointments, Ma'am?"

She paused for seconds before she shook her head. "I'm sorry but I don't think that's already an appointment. But I can show you the email that she sent me." she said and signaled Esther for the iPad.

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