Taming You (36)

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Lisa stepped out from the taxi and inhaled the familiarity of Seoul with her eyes tightly closed. She's back after almost a month and she's so excited to see the girls, especially her girlfriend.

Few days later after the Christmas celebration, Lisa and her family flew to New York to celebrate New Year there. It was still cold but Lisa was enjoying her stay there because it was her first time visiting the city. She didn't make it to Jisoo's birthday but she made sure to get the other Kim a birthday present in New York. Lisa visited Bauman Rare Books, a bookstore located in Madison Avenue hoping that she can buy Jisoo the book that she badly wants to have--- A Dog's Purpose by W. Bruce Cameron.

Lisa was hyped upon seeing the book and immediately purchased it. That time, she was still thinking what book she wants to give to ---the most random person in the world, Jisoo--- as a birthday gift. And lucky enough for Lisa, she spotted the book that Jisoo wanted to have. The older Kim already watched the movie adaptation and that made her wants to read the book badly.

"Unnie, step away. You're blocking my way." Lisa snapped from her own world and open her eyes.

"Yah, I was happy that I finally get back here and get rid of the coldness of your hometown--- but I just realized that I brought the whole Ontario with me." Lisa hissed and made her way towards the entrance of her apartment building.

"Auntie told you to show hospitality before we part ways with them. Be hospitable." Somi said behind her while dragging her huge luggage. Lisa snorted and just went straight to the elevator.

"Then be good enough for me to show you some hospitality. Or else we'd end up in the hospital." the Thai woman murmured and press the button to open the lift.

She didn't spotted Zoe at the reception are so she's certain that the lady took a day off.

"Do you own the penthouse here?"

"No. But I have one back in Thailand."

Somi nodded. "Which University should we visit first?"

"We?" Lisa pointed at herself then Somi.

"Yes. Auntie told me that you'd be my personal tour guide."

"Me? I can't even do it in my country what more here in Korea? We are both foreign people here. There's no way for me to be your tour guide. Go look for someone else." she said and stepped inside the lift.

"Unnie, how the hell am I suppose to be nice to you when you're this grumpy all the freaking time?" Somi glared at Lisa before stepping inside too.

"Just... Let me have a rest first. Let's talk after I wake up, maybe I'll be more civil."

"Deal. Stay true to your words."

"Deal." Lisa yawned and leaned her head against the cold wall. She's sleepy and tired. She wanted to see Jennie first but she's afraid that she'd fall asleep any minute the moment she stepped out the plane. It's a freaking long flight and she had a hard time sleeping on a plane.

They reached their desired floor and Lisa lead Somi to her apartment's door. She punch in the code and push the door using her forehead because she's leaning on it.

"Your room is just beside mine. Let's just take a rest first Somi before anything else. I'll see you when I wake up." Lisa said while yawning.

She didn't bother to take off her shoes and just went straight to her bedroom crossing the space of her living room with her eyes half close that she almost stumbled on the process, she open her bedroom door then close it again using her butt before jumping on her bed. After a minute of her contact with her soft bed, she immediately fall into a deep slumber leaving Somi in her leaving room.

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