Taming You (31)

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Sorry for the delay, I hope you understand because I am still a student and I have lots of requirements to pass, I said many times that my studies is my first priority. Now, here's the new update. Enjoy ❣️

"I don't want you near him." Lisa said as soon as the elevator closes. It's just her and Jennie inside so she can talk freely.

"What? Who?" Jennie asked, looking at her, confused.

"That arrogant perverted guy with a fucking fake green hair." Lisa hissed still clenching her jaw.

"Your mouth." Jennie frowned upon hearing the lady cuss. "What happened back there?"

"Nothing. He's just so annoying that if I ever see him again soon I'll surely break his fucking face." Lisa didn't want to tell Jennie all those things that Kai said back in the board room.

"Your language!" Jennie scolded her again. "Nothing happened and you act like that?" Jennie clicked her tongue.

"Just don't come near him." Lisa grumbled.

"Okay." Jennie just said and sighs.

Lisa's a little grumpy and she don't know how to deal with her so she'd rather shut up or they'll fight. That's not a really good start as girlfriends.

They stayed quiet until they reached the 20th floor. Jennie just get her bag inside her office while Lisa waited just outside the office's door.

Later on, they went to where Rosé is, and they saw her still inside the studio. Teddy immediately stands up and bowed down several times greeting the CEO. Rosé didn't even turn her head and just continue to listen to the song they're currently working.

"Teddy, can I borrow Roseanne? We will have a dinner with friends. Don't worry, she's all yours tomorrow I won't bother her until you're done with the new album." Jennie said. Lisa already told her about the plan tonight.

"Yea, of course Miss Kim." Teddy said and nugde Rosé so she immediately remove the headphones from her head and turn around.

"What---" she halted when she saw Jennie and Lisa. "Oh, Hi. What are you doing here?"

"Dinner. Come on." Jennie said before pulling her up from the reclining chair.

"Yah, wait!" she complained because the headphone was still on her nape.

She put it down and grab her YSL handbag before bidding her goodbye to Teddy.

"Did you tell Chu about it?" Jennie ask as they enter the elevator.

"Yeah, she'll meet us at the restaurant." Rosé nodded. "Can we stop by at the cat shop down the street?" Rosé ask.

"Why? Since when did you like cats?" Jennie eyed her.

"Since I met Lisa---- aw!" she complained when Jennie elbowed her. "I'm kidding! I like almost all pets so let's drop by for a minute." She said rubbing the part where Jennie's elbow made contact.

"Lisa-ya---- woah, who's your enemy there?" Rosé was about to poke the Thai woman but stopped when she noticed that Lisa's glaring at her own reflection.

"She's a little grumpy because of Kai. Let her be for a while." Jennie said.

"I'm not grumpy." Lisa hissed.

"See? Grumpy." Jennie shrug that only made Lisa more furious.

"I said I'm not grumpy!" she stomped her feet like a little kid that made Rosé to look at her weirdly and Jennie to laugh.

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