Taming You (40)

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When you're happy, time passes by like a blur. In a blink of an eye you realized that it's already been more than years that you met your special someone. You spent those years being happy and contented. When you're happy, everything is possible. You can do anything as long as those people you truly loved was standing right beside you. Supporting and encouraging you through everything.

That is in Jennie's case, she felt like it's just yesterday when she almost collided her body against Lisa in the 23rd floor where the boardroom of the Kim Ent is. That was the very first time when she set her cat-like eyes to the doe eyes of Lisa. It was just a mili seconds but she remembered every single details by heart. She may not remember their first encounter back in Thailand but she remembered the scene that took place inside her company.

Jennie could not help her smile as she watch her lover do a funny face just to make Kai, the dog, smile. The Thai woman kept on complaining that Kai wasn't as energetic as Kuma. Jennie already told her that Kuku's still a baby and Kai is just being mature but Lisa just don't listen.

Years may pass by but Lisa was still the same annoying, goofy, dorky, and the hottest girlfriend to Jennie. The CEO wasn't complaining tho, she love every single peice of Lalisa. She can take Lisa's annoying ass forever because she loves her.... so much that it scare Jennie of what will happen to her if Lisa will go away, by just thinking that made her heart hurt.

Lisa was her sanctuary, the one keeping her sane. The reason why she kept her cool not to scream at her employees. The one who made her smile every single day. The reason why she gave her mother a chance, a chance to explain why she left... Lisa's been Jennie's reason for almost everything. Lisa made her a better person, Lisa helped her a lot, Lisa never judge her for all the bad things she had done, Lisa supported her in everything, Lisa cheer for her everyday, Lisa was her everything. She's just so inlove to the point that she wanted to keep Lisa inside her pocket and not share her to others, but that's absurd, of course.

Jennie stopped on admiring her girlfriend when she felt a soft thing on her cheek.

"What are you thinking?" Lisa's lips brushed against her cheek bone.

And oh, Lisa's still a kiss maniac.

"I'm thinking about you." Jennie said without a filter and look at her girlfriend.

Lisa raise a brow. "You're harassing me in your head?" she then hug herself making Jennie to scoff.

"Don't turn the table. It's you who like to harass me mentally."

"That's right. Now let's go to your bedroom and let's make a little Jennie." Lisa said and tried to grab her hand but Jennie immediately pull away before Lisa could even touch it.

"Oh please, and when I'm about to give my virginity to you you'd tell me that we should do it on our wedding night? Don't be ridiculous Lisa." Jennie sniggered and stands up from the couch.

"Babe, you don't have to say that out loud." Lisa laugh but red tint is now visible on her face.

They have been together for three years but nothing happened to them, yet. Their hot kisses will only end up on a heavy make out session and that's that. No nothing. Jennie was literally throwing herself to Lisa but the latter was too 'traditional' for this generation that sometimes it makes Jennie's blood pressure to go high. The CEO has nothing against being traditional because that's really sweet but Lisa shouldn't also be saying sexual things that makes Jennie horny. It's really annoying.

"Then don't start saying things like making a baby because I know that we won't be doing that unless we're already married." Jennie said before heading to the kitchen.

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