Taming You (8)

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Jennie's POV

The weeks passed by quickly and the festival is also fast approaching, that made me a little edgy--- hell, not little. It makes me edgy, big time. My bitchiness, if its a word, already reach its highest peak. I just wanted this festival to be perfect just like before. But these people working for me are kinda stupid. They are all stupid. Damn.

"I told you to make three entrances! Why am I seeing only two?!" I ask the stage director and throw him a deadly glare.

"Miss Kim, the third one is on process. I actually wanna ask your comment about it." he said and pulled out a paper, he then showed it to me.

"Would it be fine if I put it here?" he said again while pointing a particular spot at the paper. My brows arch, and think for a while.

"What can you say---"

"Wait, can't you see? I'm still thinking." I cut him off and look at his sketch. After a couple of minutes I gave it back to him and told him that its fine.

"Okay, it'll be done in two days, Miss Kim."

"Alright, do good in your job. I'll be back here tomorrow." I said before turning my heels to walk back to my car.

"What the--?!" I squealed when I came face to face with Lisa.

"Woah! Slow down." she said and give me her usual grin. I arch my brows and clutch my chest, my heart is beating so fast. I don't know if its because I was startled or because of the reason that I saw this tall annoying creature after a week.

"What are you doing here?" I ask after calming myself. She's not needed here. She's the head of the photography team and she's not included in the works that is being done here right now.

"I came to take a few shots, you know, for the whole documentary thing." she said showing me her camera that is dangling around her neck. I simply nodded and walk past her, I have a lot of things to do back in my office.

"Off to somewhere?" she jog and walk beside me.

"Office." I said while looking for my car key, not minding of my surroundings.

"Jennie!" I heard Lisa's panicked voice so I look up. I gasp when she grab me closer to her. I had my eyes close because I don't know what's really happening. After a couple of seconds she pulled away but her hands are now above my shoulders.

"Are you okay?" she asked. I shook my head and look around. I saw a group men put down something that look like a timber and hastily made their way towards me. They bow down and muttered a number of 'sorry'. I look back at Lisa, giving her a confuse look.

"You weren't looking at your way, you almost got hit by that." she said and pointed at the timber. I gasp and look at the men in front of me.

"It's okay, my fault. Please continue your work." I said and they bow down again before walking away.

"Watch where you're going. You are so prone to danger." Lisa said and handed me my hand bag, it fell down when she pulled me earlier. I sigh and nodded my head.

"I'm sorry, I was in a hurry." I don't know what I'm apologizing for.

"Nah, it's fine." she said and held her palm in front.

"What's that?" I ask pointing on it.

"I'll drive you to your office, I'm afraid that you'd get into an accident. Gimme your key." she said, I didn't say anything and just give her my bag. She don't take 'No' as an answer, I just know. She's so persistent. That's what I've observed for the time that I've get to spend with her.

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