Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

"Good morning Gemma." I say as I enter the office. "Morning baby. How was your weekend?" she asks. "Good. Hung out a little bit Friday night and worked around the house the rest of the weekend." I tell her. She smiles and says "You're fitting in pretty good around here." I look at her and smile back and say "Guess I am." We get to work, her entering invoices, me filing them when Kozik and Chibs walk in. "Hey Lassie." Chibs says. "Hey Chibby." I say as he clocks in. Kozik clocks in and asks "You hanging after work today?" I laugh and say "What? Didn't get enough of me beating your ass in pool the other night?" He just rolls his eyes and says "I let you win." I laugh and say "Keep thinking that Surfer boy."

We get through part of the work day and Gemma says "I need your help with something." I look up at her and say "Whatever you need." She smiles and says "Guys are coming home in a few days and could use some help getting things set up." she tells me. "Just tell me where you need me." I tell her. "You know, I really appreciate how you've been pitching in around here. I know the clubhouse isn't your job but you've been a big help." she tells me. "Gemma, I don't have anyone here. You guys are my family now so whatever I can do to help." I tell her and she smiles.

We finish the work day and she tells me "We'll have Chucky working the office tomorrow so we can start getting the rooms and shit ready." I smile and say "Sounds good to me." I look over and see Kozik waiting for me to head into the clubhouse. "Kick his ass baby." she tells me laughing. "Always do." I tell her before running over to the clubhouse doors. Kozik puts his arm around my shoulder and leads me inside.

We'd been shooting pool for a while when Miles and Phil walk up. "Hey guys." I say. "Hey Peri." Phil says. "Hey Peri. How's it going?" Miles asks as he stands a little too close for my comfort. I look at Koz and he just smirks. I move over to the other side of the table and Miles says "So, Peri. When are you gonna let me take you for a ride?" I make my shot, hearing Koz groan, and say "Not happening dude." He looks at me shocked and asks "Why not?" I look at Koz with a look that asks Is he for real? Before looking back at Miles. "Because you're not my type. Sorry." I tell him. "What's your type?" he asks. "Does it matter?" I ask. Koz cuts in and says "She said no, dude. That's all you need to know." Miles nods and walks over to the bar to pout. "Thanks for that." I tell him. "I always got your back." he tells me as I lean into his side as he puts an arm around my shoulder before saying "Now, your shot."

After three games of pool, that I won, we head to the bar for a drink. "You just gonna crash here tonight?" Koz asks. "Yeah. Gemma wants me to help get things ready for your guys to come home so figure I can get started bright and early in the morning. I just gotta head home real fast and get some things." I tell him. "You can stay in one of the dorms. Come on, I'll take you to get your things." he says. "I can drive." I tell him. "Yeah but it will piss Miles off more if you rode with me." he says smirking. "You're an asshole. You know that?" I ask. "Yep. But you love me." he says. "Unfortunately." I tell him laughing as we head to his bike. Pulling off the lot, I see Miles standing there, watching with a pissed off look on his face and I can't help but laugh.

Pulling up at my house, we head inside and I start packing a couple of days worth of things. "Gemma set you up a dorm." he tells me. "I thought she would. She said that when they come home that she wants me there for the party so that I can meet everyone and get to know them." I tell him. "Makes sense. You know we appreciate how you take care of us, right?" he asks. "Koz, you guys take care of me as much as I take care of you. I didn't know anyone when I moved here. Hell, I fell into the job. You guys are my family. Period." I tell him. He hugs me and kisses my temple before I say "You're my best friend." He laughs and says "That's kinda sad." I smack his chest and say "Really fucking sad."

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