Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Waking up the next morning, I get showered and changed and ready for the day. I head out to the main room and grab a cup of coffee before heading to the picnic table outside. Seeing Koz sitting at the table with Chibs, Opie and Phil, I sit between Chibs and Koz. "Morning Peekaboo." Koz says. I punch his arm playfully and say "Morning Herman." He glares playfully at me and I stick my tongue out at him. "Morning guys." I say to the rest of the guys there and they all say good morning back. "Where's Miles?" I ask. "Rescrubing the shitters." Koz says. "I thought the girls handled that?" I ask. "They did but he pissed me off this morning so he's back to scrubbing toilets." Koz says. I just nod and drink my coffee. "What else do you need to do before the guys get here?" Opie asks. "Just rechecking that everything's cleaned and stocked. Nothing major." I tell him. "Gemma is having some of the girls pick up the food here in a few." Chibs says and I nod. Gemma walks over and looks at me and says "Thanks for your help yesterday Sweetheart. Place looks good. I'm sending some of the croweaters to get the food I ordered for later so all you gotta do today is relax." she tells me. "Really?" I ask. "Yeah. Just relax and get ready for the guys to come home." she tells me.

After finishing my coffee, I head to make sure that I'm presentable before meeting the rest of the guys. I have on a pair of dark skinny jeans, a flowy peasant top and a pair of black heeled booties. I have my hair down in it's natural waves, hanging down to the middle of my back and my makeup is lightly done. There's a knock on my dorm door. I open the door to see Tara standing there. "Hey T." I say. "Hey Peri. Guys should be here in a few minutes if you want to head out there with me." she says. I walk out the door and head outside. "I'll wait back here until you guys get to see everyone." I tell Gemma. "Okay Sweetheart." she tells me as she hugs me.

We hear the rumble of Harleys and a couple of minutes later, the gates open and the bikes all come flooding in. I take Thomas from Tara and keep an eye on Abel while she goes to greet Jax. Seeing how they melt into each other as they kiss makes me want that. A few minutes later, I hear Gemma's Old Man yell "Church in ten!" before him and Gemma walk up to me. "Baby, this is Peri. She's been working in the office with me for awhile now. Been more of less my second." Gemma introduces me. I hold out my hand to shake his and say "Nice to meet you Clay." He shakes my hand and says "You too Sweetheart." before him and Gemma walk into the clubhouse. Tara and Jax come over and Jax says "You must be Peri. Tara told me how you've been helping with the boys. Thank you." he tells me. "No problem. I love these little monsters." I tell him as I kiss Thomas' head and ruffle Abel's hair. Jax picks up Abel and Tara takes Thomas from me as they head into the clubhouse behind Gemma and Clay. Koz walks over and asks "You ready to head inside?" I nod and he throws an arm around my shoulders as he leads me inside. "Got church so just hang out." Koz says. "Will do." I say as I walk to the bar and he heads into the chapel. I hear one of the guys ask "That your girl?" Koz shakes his head "Nah. Just friends Juicy." he says as they close the chapel doors.

Sitting at the bar, Gemma walks over and says "Well, you've met Clay and Jax and both seem to have a good impression of you." she tells me. "Good because you guys are kinda stuck with me." I tell them laughing. A little later, the guys come out and head to the bar. I step behind the bar to help the prospects hand out beers and shots. "Guys, this is Peri. She's my second around here. Peri, you met Clay and Jax. This is Bobby Elvis, Tig, Juice and Happy." Gemma introduces. "Welcome home guys." I say as I pour another shot. "Pour yourself one." Juice says and I do. "To the first of many" I say and the guys all salute their shots and we all down the Jack and slam the glasses back down on the bar at the same time.

A little while later, prospects and croweaters are handling the bar and I am sitting on one of the couches between Chibs and Koz. "So, are you, like Koz's girl or something?" Tig asks. Laughing, I say "Oh God no." They all start laughing and I continue. "We've kinda become best friends." I tell them and they all nod. "Yeah, she doesn't hook up with SONS." Miles says from the sidelines. "I never said that." I tell him. "What makes him think that?" Jax asks. "Because numbnuts here asked her out and she has turned him down...repeatedly." Koz says. "Keeps saying I ain't her type or some shit." Miles says and finally I decide to shut him up. I look at Koz and he knows what I'm thinking so he nods. "You want to know why you aren't my type, Miles?" I ask and he nods. "Well, for one, the way you go about asking a girl out, is creepy as fuck. I said you weren't my type and you're not. You're a little too vanilla for my taste." I tell him. "What the hell does that mean, I'm too vanilla?" he asks. "The fact you had to ask that? Tells me you are too vanilla but if I have to spell it out for you I will. I'm not one of those women that like to be caressed and and treated with kit gloves. When I'm with a man, I better still know he was there two days later. Even better if I have to have a safeword. You just don't strike me as the type that can give that to me." I tell him and his eyes go wide. "Yeah, Peekaboo here is not your typical woman." Koz says.

"Peekaboo?" Happy asks. I look over and say "Holy hell! He does speak." as everyone starts laughing and Happy just smirks. "Yeah, Peekaboo. Tell them how you got that nickname." Piney says and I just shake my head. "Come on Doll, I gotta hear this." Tig says. "Fine. We were sitting here the other night and I was having a glass of Patron with Piney and Koz..." I start. "Glass, hell. She had an entire bottle." Koz says. "It was glass. Still counts as a glass." I tell him and they all start laughing. "Well, one of the hang arounds apparently thought that I was an overdressed croweater and started trying to rub up on me and I politely told him to stop." I tell them. "Bull shit. Tell them the truth." Koz says. "Fine. I told him if he touched me again I would cut off his dick and shove it so far up his ass that it would play peekaboo every time he opened his mouth." I say and the entire group burst into laughter.

A little later, I am sitting there at the bar, talking to Koz and Happy. The croweater hands me another beer and I thank her before telling Koz "I'm gonna go get some air." I walk out to the picnic table and sit and a few minutes later, someone sits next to me. "Hey." Juice says. "Hey Juice. How ya doing?" I ask. "Better. Thanks. So...that's was some story in there." He says and I start laughing a little. "Yeah. Grew up around a bunch of guys so you have to be creative when they start getting all douchey." I tell him. "Can I ask you something?" he asks. "Sure." I say. "You told Miles he wasn't your type. Other than what you said in there, what is your type?" he asks. "What I said in there was true. But, I don't know. I guess, someone strong but sweet, affectionate when we are alone, confident, but mostly has to make me laugh." I tell him. He smiles softly and I can't seem to get enough of seeing him smile. "What about you? What's your type of girl?" I ask. "I haven't really thought about it." he says. "You've not really had to vie for someone in a long time have you?" I ask. "Not really. Croweaters and all but sometimes you just want someone that's there, you know? I guess someone that you can talk to that won't judge you. That hears all the bad shit you've done and still tells you they love you." he says. "I know, that sounds stupid, right?" He asks. "No. Actually it doesn't. I'd like someone that won't judge me. That will love me. I think we all want that." I tell him. He bumps my shoulder and says "Can't find that with Miles?" I bump his back and say "I wouldn't even know he was there." I say and we both start laughing. He seems like a really cool dude.

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