Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Happy walks into the clubhouse and sees Miles sitting at the bar, talking to a croweater. Walking over, with Koz standing by, he tells Miles "Ring. Now Mother fucker." Miles looks at him and Happy says "Ring." Happy steps back and let's Miles walk out to the ring first. "What's this about?" Jax asks and Miles looks at Happy as Chibs wraps his hands. "Our brother here, thought it was okay to tell my girl here that she was just easy pussy and that we didn't want her." Happy says. Jax looks at Miles and asks "That true?" Jax asks. "That's all she is. Hell, she's fucking three of you. Hell, she's a fucking cow compared to the girls here. Why the fuck would you want that?" Miles says and Chibs throws him in the ring.

Happy climbs in and takes a swing, connecting with Miles ribs. "You won't ever come near my girl again." Happy says. "What's it matter man? She's just a whore." Miles says and Happy lunges for him. He tackles Miles to the mat and starts to throw punches to his face until Miles is out cold and Koz jumps in to stop Happy. Once Happy is pulled from the ring, he tells Jax "He's not going to disrespect our Old Lady. Period. You do something with him or I will and I don't care if I meet Mr Mayhem." Happy says as he walks to his bike to head back to my house.

I'm sitting at the kitchen table with Juice sitting in one of the chairs across from me. He finally gave me some space and I haven't said anything since he's been here. There's a knock on the door and he opens it to let Happy and Koz in. They walk into the kitchen and I won't look at any of them. Koz walks over and kneels in front of me and says "Peri, look at me sweetheart." I wipe at yet another tear that falls down my cheeks. Koz stands up when I don't respond. Happy walks over and takes the chair beside me and reaches for my hand and I flinch. "Look at me please baby." Happy says softly but I still don't respond. He tries to take my hand again and I pull away. Happy looks at Juice and he says "She's barely let me touch her and won't speak." Koz speaks up and says "I'm gonna let you all talk to your girl." before he walks over and kisses the top of my head and heads out. "Baby, I won't hurt you. You know that right?" Happy asks and I stand up and walk past Juice to the bedroom without saying anything. "Shit brother. What do we do?" Juice asks.

A couple of minutes later, they both walk into my bedroom and I am sitting on the bed with my back to the door. Juice sits on one side and Happy sits on the other side of me. I have my arms wrapped around my middle and Happy kneels in front of me. "Talk to us baby." he says softly. "I can't do this guys. I'm sorry." I tell them and go to stand. Happy grabs my hand and I flinch again. He pulls me back to sit on the bed and doesn't let go of my hand as I sit back down. Juice takes my other hand and I still don't speak. "Baby, please say something." Juice says. "What is it you can't do little girl?" Happy asks. "I can't be with you guys. Please just go." I say and I stand up. Happy grabs my hand and pulls me to him and wraps his arms around me and I stiffen up. "Are you scared of me?" Happy asks. I don't respond. Cupping my face in his hands, he says "Baby, I won't ever hurt you. I promise." before pulling me close and kissing the top of my head. "Baby, please say something." Juice says as he walks over and take my other hand. "Why are you guys here? Please just go." I say softly, trying not to cry again. "Baby, we ain't going anywhere. You're our Old Lady and we ain't going anywhere." Happy says. "I finally get them to let me go. "Yeah right. We all know you guys don't take Old Ladies and you definitely don't want a fat one. Just please go." I tell them. Juice walks over and says "You ain't fat. You're our Old Lady. You really have no idea how much we care about you do you?" he asks and I shake my head no. "Little girl, since we've been back, you're all I think about. That shit Miles said is bull shit. You ain't easy pussy, you ain't fat. You're goddamned perfect baby." Happy says. I look at him and see truth in his eyes. I look at Juice and he says "He's right. You're fucking perfect. It's hard to find someone that sees past the patch and sees us. You see us." Juice says. Happy leans down and presses his lips to mine before Juice walks closer and I turn and he places a soft kiss to my lips too. "You called me your Old Lady." I say. "Yeah. Cause that's what you are." Juice says. "Okay." I say. I move to the bed and ask "Will you two lay with me? Please?" I ask and they nod. They strip down and lay in bed on each side of me. None of us say anything. We just lay together, just being together.

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