Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

A little later, I wake up and feel them holding my hands. I open my eyes and the first person I see is Happy. "Hap." I say. Both guys stand up, never letting go of my hands and Hap asks "How are you feeling?" I look at him and then Juice and say "Not hurting as bad." They sit on the bed on each side of me and Juice says "It's handled." I breathe a sigh of relief and say "Thank you." I still don't look them in the eyes but I ask "Can I ask something?" They nod. "Why are you still with me?" I ask. Juice speaks first. "We love you. We both do. You're our Old Lady and nothing changes that. We're not going anywhere." he tells me and I look at Hap and he says "You're stuck with us." I smile softly and say "I love both of you. You know that right?" I ask. "Yeah baby. We know." Juice says. "I just need you to be patient with me. I promise I'll get there but it might take me a little time." I tell them. "We got you baby." Happy says. "But I get it if you need" I start and Happy cuts me off. "We don't need anyone but you." he says, sensing what I was getting at and I just nod. "Thank you." I say. I pull Juice closer and kiss his lips softly before pulling Hap closer and doing the same.

A week later, I am released from the hospital but still having to take it easy. Gemma, Lyla and Tara take turns staying with me while the guys are gone and I am grateful. Lyla is sitting with me and she asks "How are things with the guys?" I look at my hands and say "Good. I told them I needed them to be patient with me and they said they would. I even tried to tell them if they needed a release I wouldn't hold it against them but they cut that off before I got it completely out of my mouth." I tell her and she smiles. "They really love you." she says and I smile and say "I know they do."

That night, the guys come back and they sit on the couch next to me. "I have a question." I say. They give me their full attention. "If I'm your Old Lady, shouldn't you both be living with me?" I ask. They smile wide and ask "You want us to move in?" I nod and Happy says "We'll move in tonight." I nod and say "Okay." They know this is a big step for me and I can tell it makes them happy too. A little later, they have all of their things moved in and we are sitting on the couch together. I am sitting between Happy and Juice and Juice has his fingers laced with mine and Happy has his hand on my thigh and I feel comfortable. I turn my head and place a kiss to Juice's lips and he smiles at me. I stand and take both their hands and pull them to stand. I don't say a word, I just pull them towards the bedroom. Happy stops me and ask "Are you sure?" I smile softly and say "Yeah. I'm sure." I tell them and we continue to the bedroom.

I get on the bed and start to shed clothes while they shed theirs. Lying on the bed, they lay on each side of me and I start to kiss Juice as Happy starts to kiss his way down my body. Juice has one hand tangled in my hair, holding me to him and his other is holding him up beside me. Happy kisses his way down my stomach, kissing the inside of each thigh before running his tongue up and down my already wet folds. Juice gets up on his knees and I run my tongue over the head of his hard cock and slowly slide him into my mouth. Taking all of him, deep in my throat, before sliding back to the tip, hearing him moan. I moan harder on his hard cock as Happy pulls up between my legs and enters me slowly. Juice is thrusting slowly in and out of my mouth as Happy keeps the same pace thrusting in and out of my core. I find my release with Happy right behind me and Juice replaces him. Entering me slowly, he takes the same pace Happy had before as Happy rubs circles on my throbbing clit as I find my release one more time before Juice finds his right behind me. Lying afterwards, my head on Happy's chest and Juice curled up behind me, I drift off into the most peaceful sleep I've had in a long time.

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