Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

After they leave the room, Gemma comes back in. "They'll take care of it baby." she tells me. "I know. I'm just worried." I tell her. "Talk to me." she says. "Gemma, what if they don't find him?" I ask. "They will baby. They won't let this happen again." she tells me. "What are you going to do about being with them?" she asks. "I don't know." I tell her sadly. "Don't push them away baby. They love you. This isn't going to change that." she tells me. "That's what they told me, too." I tell her. "Do you love them?" she asks. "Yeah. I do. I don't want this to make me lose them. But, Gemma, I haven't even slept with them. Miles got to me before they did. What if they change their minds?" I ask. "They won't baby. They love you. They need you as much as you need them." she tells me and I can only hope they're right.

Sitting at the clubhouse, Juice is tapping away on the laptop while Happy is making sure he has his bag of tricks packed up and ready to go. Piney walks over and sits next to Happy. "How's our girl doing?" he asks. "Not good. Trying to push us away. Telling us to cut our losses." Happy tells him. "What are you guys gonna do?" Piney asks. "We ain't going anywhere." Happy tells him as he goes back to packing his bag. "Good. Take care of her. Both of you." Piney says and Happy nods. Before walking away, he adds "When you find that piece of shit. Make it hurt." Happy nods again before Piney walks back to the bar and the prospect hands him his bottle of Patron.

An hour later, Juice says "I found him." They all walk out the door. Pulling up to the cabin that Miles was hiding out in, they surround the cabin and burst in through the front and back at the same time. Miles tries to run into one of the bedrooms but is stopped by Juice. Juice slams him on the ground and starts pounding his fist into Miles' face. "You stupid fuck." he yells as he punches Miles. Putting his hands around Miles' throat, he starts choking him before the guys pull Juice off of him. Tig and Chibs pick him up and tie him to a chair when Juice tries to lunge at him again but Jax and Clay hold him back. Happy lays out his bag of tools and Juice finally gets himself in check. "What made you think you could rape our girl and get away with it?" Juice asks. "What's it matter? She's just another whore." Miles says. "She ain't a whore. She's our fucking Old Lady you stupid fuck." Juice yells. He breathes for a second and says "Happy, let's make this fucker pay." Happy smirks and gets in Miles' face and says "You hurt our Old Lady. Everything we do to you will be all for her."

Happy and Juice stand in front of Miles, listening to Miles beg. "Look, just let me go. I'll leave and you'll never see me again." he pleads. They all laugh. "You think you can shoot our Old Lady and rape her and we would let you walk?" Juice asks. Happy gets in his face and says "You're gonna die. Like a lot." before picking up the fillet knife and making slices down his arms. Juice grabs his Kbar and cuts his shirt off and Happy makes more slices down his chest and stomach. All the while, listening to Miles scream. After over an hour, of torturing Miles, Happy and Juice empty their clips in his chest.

Once they are done cleaning up and disposing of the body, they head to the clubhouse to get showered and head to the hospital. Walking into my room, they see that I'm sleeping. They sit in the chairs on each side of my bed and take my hand while waiting on me to wake up, just watching me finally look a little at peace.

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