Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

The guys finally fell asleep but I was still awake when I felt Happy stir. He heads to the shower. "Why don't you join me little girl?" he asks. "I'm gonna start breakfast. Go ahead." I tell him. I walk out of the room and leave him standing there. Heading to the kitchen, I get started on breakfast. When it's about done, the guys walk into the kitchen, dressed for the day and I plate their food. Putting their food in front of them, I pour their coffee and start to clean up the kitchen. "You need to eat." Juice says. "I'm fine." I tell him as I go about getting the dishwasher loaded. Juice walks over and takes my hand and stops me. I don't look at him or Happy. "Baby, look at me." he says but I don't. He tilts my face up to look at him and he says "You're our Old Lady. Okay?" I nod and he kisses me softly. "Yeah. Okay." I say softly. I pull away from him and say "I need to get ready for work." before walking away to the bedroom.

Walking into the office, I clock in and start working. Gemma and Koz walk up to the guys and asks "How's she doing?" Happy looks towards the office and Juice speaks. "She barely speaks, barely let's us near her. Told us she can't be with us." he tells her. "Shit." Gemma says. "What are we going to do?" Koz asks. "I don't know brother. That fucker has her mind fucked up." Happy says, pissed off. "Koz, go talk to her. Boys, we need to talk to Jax." Gemma says. They walk towards the clubhouse and Koz walks into the office.

When Koz walks in, I am sitting at the desk entering invoices. "Hey." he says. "Hey." I say and don't look at him. "Come here." he says. "What? You want a turn with me?" I ask but don't look him in the eyes. "Come here." he tells me again, ignoring my comment. I walk over and sit on the couch next to him but don't look at him or touch him. "You know you're my best friend, right?" he asks and I nod. "Then you know you can talk to me." he says and I don't respond. "Talk to me Peri. Tell me what's going on in your head." he says. I sit there a minute before speaking. "I can't get my head right. I want to believe they care about me. Fuck I want them to. I care about them but I they don't need someone they will be embarrassed to have by their side. Miles is right. I don't belong here." I tell him "Bull shit. You belong here more than anyone. You're my best friend. You keep me straight. You know about my addiction and you keep me sane. Hap and Juice too. We love you Peri. All of us do. But those two out there? They need you. They want you. Hell, I think they even love you." he tells me. I shake my head. "You know, you were so confident before this shit with Miles. When I first met you? I thought about hooking something up but you became my best friend. You became my sister. But those two, they don't love easy. You can't let what Miles says, determine your worth." he tells me. I nod. We hear a knock on the door and when it opens, it's Happy and Juice. "Give us a minute brother?" Hap asks and Koz nods. He kisses the top of my head and says "Love you." I say "Love you." before he walks out the door. They guys walk over and sit on each side of me and I reach for their hands. "I need you both to just be patient while I get my head straight okay?" I ask. "We're not going anywhere baby." Happy says. "I care about you both, so much." I tell them. "Do you love us?" Juice asks. "Yeah. I do." I tell him without looking at him. "We love you too little girl." Happy says. I look up at Happy and he kisses me softly. I turn to Juice and he kisses me too. Gemma walks in and says "Head on in the clubhouse and relax. Take the day." she tells me. I nod and head into the clubhouse with the guys.

We walk into the clubhouse, Juice's fingers laced with mine but when we walk inside, I see Miles and freeze. He glares at me and I feel Happy take my other hand. Miles doesn't say anything as we walk to the bar. Prospect places a beer in front of the guys and asks what I want. "Tequila please." I say and he grabs a glass. "Bottle." I say and I see Piney hand Juice a straw. I look at him and nod my thanks. Taking the straw, I put it in the bottle and start to drink. Happy and Juice never leave my side.

After a little bit, I tell the guys. "I gotta pee." I get up and head to the bathroom down the hall. When I come out, Miles is waiting on me. "I told you not to come back." he tells me. Feeling the alcohol, I get in his face and say "My Old Men want me here so I'm here. You're just pissed I won't fuck you." I say as I try to get by. He grabs me and slams me into the wall and I feel my head hit the wall. Trying to keep my head right, I knee him in the nuts and run towards the main room but he grabbed me. Slamming me to the wall again, he starts to unbutton my pants and as I go to scream, he covers my mouth. "It's my turn whore." he says before reaching for his own belt. Next thing I know, he's being pulled from the wall by Happy and slammed into the other wall. "She hurt?" Happy asked Juice who was in front of me. "Baby, are you hurt?" Juice asks. I shake my head no. He pulls me to him and nods to Happy. Koz comes around the corner. "Shit." he says as he runs up. "Help Hap. I got her." Koz tells Juice as he looks into my eyes. "Baby, stay with Koz." I nod as he walks off. Koz gets in front of me and says "Look at me. What happened?" He asks. "I came out of the bathroom and Miles was standing there. He said that he told me not to come back. I told him that my Old Men wanted me here and he was just pissed I wouldn't fuck him and when I tried to walk away, he slammed me against the wall told me it was his turn and called me a whore." I tell him. Gemma comes to the door and Koz says "Stay with her." before walking out the door.

In the main room, Koz walks over to where the club was standing between Happy and Juice and where Miles was standing. "What's going on?" Jax asks. Koz walks up and says "I just spoke to Peri. He pinned her to the wall and told her it was his turn and called her a whore." Koz says. "Chapel now!" Jax yells and they all walk into the chapel. Once the doors are closed Jax speaks "What the hell happened?" Miles goes to speak but Koz beats him to it. "When we walked down the hall to the dorms, Miles had Peri pinned to the wall with her pants pulled down to her thighs and he was working his pants down. Fucker was gonna rape Peri." Koz says. "That true?" Jax asks. "Hell everyone else was getting a piece of the whore. Why can't I?" he says and it takes half the club to hold Happy and Juice back. "Opie, you and Piney take him to the office and keep him there. We got a vote." Jax says. Piney and Opie look at him and say "Our votes Yea." they say as they leave with Miles to the office. Jax looks at everyone else. "All in favor of stripping Miles' patch?" Yea's all around. They bring Miles back to the chapel and Jax says "It's unanimous. Hand over your kutte." Jax says. "But..." he starts and Piney cuts him off. "But nothing. You touch Peri again and if her Old Men don't kill you, I will." he says and takes the Kutte from his hands.

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