Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Koz and I pull back up at the clubhouse and I get off Koz's bike with him following. Heading inside, I see Miles glaring at me. I walk past and Koz follows and shows me which dorm is mine. "Here's the key. You're the only one that has a key to this room. You and Gemma." he tells me. "Thanks. Kozi." I say before I put my bag down and head back out to the main room. Walking over to the bar, Koz is on one side of me and Piney is on the other. "Wanna drink?" Koz asks and I say "I'll have what Piney is having." He has the prospect grab me a bottle of Patron and Piney hands me a wrapped straw out of his kutte. "Thanks Pop." I say. I unwrap the straw and put it in the Patron and start drinking. A quarter of the bottle in, one of the hang arounds walks over to me and puts his hand on my back. "Wanna have some fun?" he asks. "No thanks." I say and turn back to my bottle, the guys letting me handle things. "Come on." he says as he grabs my hand. "I'm not a croweater moron but you touch me again? I'll cut your dick off and shove it so far up your ass it'll play peekaboo everytime you open your mouth." I say. Piney spits out his Patron and Koz is holding back a laugh. Opie hearing this, walks over and tells the guy "Get the fuck out and don't come back." The guy scurries out and they all look at me and Koz asks "Where the hell did that come from?" I start laughing and say "Not the first time I've had to get creative." They all just shake their heads. "I'm gonna shower and head to bed. The Queen will be here early in the morning." I tell them. Kissing Piney's cheek and then Koz's, I tell Opie and Phil goodnight and walk right by Miles.

Waking up the next morning, I get up and dressed and head out to the main room for coffee. Walking into the kitchen, I see Gemma pouring a cup. Grabbing a cup, I pour my own and sit at the table across from her. "What's on the agenda?" I ask. "All the sheets and blankets need to be washed and dried and the rooms need to be cleaned. I'll have some of the girls handle the cleaning and the bathrooms and the prospects will restock the bar so if you will handle the laundry, that would be great." she tells me. I nod. Koz walks in and kisses my temple before heading to get his own coffee. "How bad she beat you last night?" Gemma asks him. "Not too bad. Three games." he says. "We only played three games." I tell him laughing. "She gave us a little entertainment last night." Koz says and Gemma looks at me and smirks. "Not that kind. Shit Gemma." I tell her laughing. She looks at Koz and he says "Put Miles in his place and a hang around." She looks at me to elaborate. "Miles asked when I was gonna let him take me for a ride and I said it wasn't happening. Told him he wasn't my type. Koz had to get him to back off but he got pissed and pouted when he saw me head out to get clothes for the next few days on the back of Koz's bike." I tell her and she laughs. "That's nothing. Tell her what you said to the hang around that decided you were a croweater." Koz says. "I don't know where he would think I was a croweater. I mean, I had clothes on. But I told him if he touched me again I would cut off his dick and shove it so far up his ass it would play peekaboo when he opened his mouth." She laughs hard at that. "God, I love you Sweetheart." she tells me. "Yep. Think I'm gonna start calling her Peekaboo." Koz says. "Like hell you are." I tell him. "We'll see." he says, heading out to the garage. "He's gonna call me that isn't he?" I ask. "Oh yeah." Gemma says.

I finish my coffee and go to head to the dorms. "Here are the keys sweetheart." she says. I take the keys and say "I'll go ahead and get everyone's changed. If i'm doing one, might as well do them all." I tell her. "Yours is the only one that won't need done. Yours are new." she tells me. "Thanks Gemma." I say before heading down the hall to get started on my task.

Lunch time rolls around and Koz comes to find me. "Come eat." he says. I follow him out and see that he got me a bacon cheeseburger and onion rings from the diner. "You do realize I need to lose a little weight, right?" I ask. "No you don't. Shut up and eat." he tells me before kissing my temple. I lay my head on his shoulder for a minute before finally making myself eat it. After lunch I head back down the hallway when Miles stops me. "That why I'm not your type? Koz is?" he asks. "No. Koz is my best friend. You're just not my type. You're a nice guy but just not the type I go after." I tell him as I walk past him and head into the laundry room to grab the clean sheets out of the dryer.

That evening, I am crashing at the clubhouse again and I grab a beer and head out to the picnic tables. Sitting on top of one of the tables, I stare out at the lot, thinking. I feel the table shift as Koz takes the seat next to me. "What's up Peekaboo?" he asks and I smile softly. "Hey Herman." I say, knowing he hates it. "What's on your mind?" he asks. "Oh, nothing." I tell him, looking back out at the lot. "Bull shit. Come on Peri. Talk." he says. I sigh and say "Got a call from my mom today." I tell him and he nods. He knows my issues with my mom. "What'd she want this time?" he asks. "Wanting money." I tell him. "What for this time?" He asks. "Her boyfriend left her again and she has no money. Can't pay her bills." he tells me. "You gonna send it?" he asks. "I don't know." I tell him. "Seems like everytime I get a little saved up she calls needing it." I tell him. "You realize she's not your responsibility right?" he asks. "I know but she's still my mom." I tell him. "No. Gemma is your mom. Piney's your old man and I'm your brother. She's not your responsibility." he says. I look at him and say "You're right." I pick up my phone and call my mom back. "Hey Sweetie. Did you get the money I asked for?" she asks. "No. I'm not sending you money. Only time I hear from you is when you need money. Don't call me again. I'm not bailing you out of your messes anymore. Goodbye mom." I say before ending the call. "You did good babe." he tells me. I lean against his shoulder for a minute before telling him "I'm gonna head to bed. Your brothers will be here tomorrow and we need to get shit ready for the party." I tell him. "Okay Peri. Goodnight. Love you Peekaboo." he tells me. "Love you asshole." I tell him smiling a little. He lets out a chuckle before following me into the clubhouse.

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