Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

By the time that the guys came out of chapel, I was already on the roof. Sitting on one of the air vents, I hear someone climbing up. I look over and see Koz walk over. "Hey Peekaboo." he tells me and I don't respond. "We voted him out. He's no longer a member and not allowed near you or anyone else." he tells me and I nod. "Are you okay?" he asks. "Yep. Just another whore, right?" I ask, getting up to talk away. Koz grabs my wrist. "You ain't a whore." he tells me. "Yeah. I am. And the sad part is that I haven't even slept with them yet." I tell him as I walk away.

Climbing down the ladder, I walk down the hall and out the door to my car. I get in my car and leave and just drive. I pull over to this little bluff and just sit. I'm sitting on the hood of my car when I hear a bike pull up. Not looking to see who it is, I hear the steps getting closer. "You fucking whore." I hear Miles say. I jump up and off the other side of the car. "Leave me alone." I say. "When I'm done, they won't want you anymore." he tells me as he comes around the car on me. I try to get around the car but he pulls out his gun and shoots me in the side. I fall to the ground and he climbs on top of me. Pulling down my pants, he releases himself from his jeans and enters me roughly. I lose consciousness before he's done raping me.

Beep...beep...beep. Is all I hear when I wake up. I open my eyes and am in a dimly lit room. I feel weight on both hands but when I look up I see Happy on one side and Juice on the other. I pull my hands from theirs and don't look at them. "Baby, you're awake." Juice says. "Please leave." I whisper. "What?" Happy asks, not hearing me. "Please leave." I say a little louder. "We're not going anywhere." Happy says. "Please leave. I don't want either of you here." I say as the tears start flowing. Tara walks in to check on me and I ask "Tara, can you please make them leave?" She looks at me sadly and says "Guys, let's let her get some rest." as she tries to get them to leave. Juice leans over and kisses my cheek. "I love you." he tells me before leaving. Happy leans over and kisses my temple and says "I love you little girl." before walking out of the room. "What's going through your mind?" Tara asks. "I can't see them anymore." I tell her. About that time, Gemma walks in and hugs me and I hold her close and cry. She lets me cry and then asks "What happened? The guys went looking for you and Happy remembered the bluff. They found you shot." she tells me. "I was shot and raped." I tell her and Tara says "We did a rape kit. You're going to be fine. We're giving you meds and the morning after pill just in case." she tells me and I nod. "Do you know who did it?" Gemma asks and she and Tara wait for me to answer and I nod. I look at my hands and say "I don't want anyone to know. I just want everyone to leave it alone." I tell her and she asks "Was it Miles?" I don't speak but with that, she knows my answer. She stands to leave and I grab her wrist. "Gemma..." I say but she cuts me off. "No. That fucker doesn't hurt my daughter and get away with it. I would do the same thing if it were Tara. He needs to pay for this." she tells me and I nod. "Please don't let the guys near me." I say and Tara nods.

Gemma walks out of the room with Tara behind her. They look at the guys and Gemma says "Chapel. Now. All of you." before storming down the hall to the chapel. " Did you find something out?" Clay asks. "Yeah. She was shot and raped by Miles. You find that little mother fucker and you make him suffer. You hear me?" she asks forcefully before leaving the chapel and coming back to my room.

Gemma walks into my room and I'm crying. "Talk to me sweetheart." she tells me as she sits on the bed and holds me. "They're not gonna want me anymore. I've not even slept with them yet." I tell her. "Baby, that's not true. Those boys love you and nothing will change that." she tells me. A few minutes later, Koz, Happy and Juice walk in. "Can we get a minute Gemma?" Juice asks and she kisses my cheek before walking outside. I don't look at them. Juice sits on one side of me and Happy on the other and Koz at the foot of my bed. "You're on lockdown until we find him and handle this." Happy says and I just nod. Juice tilts my head up to look at him and he says "We love you. That doesn't change anything." I shake my head and say "You guys can cut your losses. I haven't even slept with either of you yet and now he's had it before you guys. You don't want that." I tell him. "That shit don't change how we feel baby." Happy says. "Look, you still got all three of us. Your best friend and your two Old Men. None of us are leaving you." Koz says and I nod. "I love all three of you." I say. "We love you too Peekaboo." Koz says before all three lean over and kiss me one at a time and tell me they love me. "Please be careful guys." I say, finally looking up at them. They nod before walking out the door to handle Miles.

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