Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

Waking up the next morning, I hear both of my husbands light snores and smile. Sliding out of bed, I walk to the kitchen in search of coffee and see Gemma sitting at the table. I get my cup and sit next to her and kiss her cheek. "Morning Ma." I say. "Morning baby. How was your night?" she asks. "It was good. We hung out, I told off a croweater, snuggled with my men. It was good." I tell her. Smirking she asked "Told off a croweater?" I smile and say "She asked how I snagged two men and asked if I thought my pussy was that good and I just told her that I couldn't help it if they loved my tight pussy better than her stretched out ass. I might have also told her that if she stepped up to me again I'd gut her ass." I tell her and she laughs. "That's my girl." she says.

After finishing my coffee, I head back to the room with two cups for my men. Walking in, they are just starting to stir. I sit one cup on each side of the bed and crawl back between them. I move to Happy and kiss him softly. "Morning Killer." I whisper. "Morning little girl." he says before moving to get his coffee. I move to Juice and kiss him softly and say "Morning my Goof." I whisper and he says "Morning baby." before he reaches for his coffee. "So, what's the plan for today?" I ask. "I gotta work at the garage today but Juice is going to take you home and spend some time with you before I get home." Happy says. "Okay. I lean over and kiss Happy before he gets up and ready for work. Sitting with Juice, I snuggle into his side. "Thank you." he says. I look at him confused. "For not pushing us away." he says. "I thought about it and I don't want to push you guys away. I need you both so much." I tell him. "We need you too baby just as much." he tells me. I straddle him and see the smirk come to his face. "Got time for a round before we head home?" I ask. "Oh yeah." he tells me before turning us over and kissing me deeply. Shedding clothes in between kisses before he enters me. Thrusting in and out hard and fast like I like it, I start to moan underneath him. "Fuck Juan. Don't stop." I moan. He starts to thrust harder and faster and before I know it, I feel myself start to cum. "Fuck, Juan." I moan as I cum and he follows right behind me, finding his own release inside me. "Holy fuck." He says and I start laughing. "That good?" I ask. "I told you that pussy is pretty good." he says and we both start laughing.

Walking out of the clubhouse to head home, I walk over to Happy. "What time will you be home?" I ask. "Unless club shit comes up, about five." he says. "I'll be ready for you." I whisper in his ear and hear him growl. "I love you." I tell him. "I love you too." he says before kissing me softly. I turn to leave and he smacks me on the ass and I hear him and Juice both start laughing. I walk to Juice and say "That fucking hurt." and he starts laughing harder. Getting on the back of his bike, we head to the diner for breakfast. Sitting in a booth, across from each other, we order our food and start talking. "You seem more relaxed." he tells me. "I feel it. I don't know. I think, knowing you guys took care of everything with my parents and Miles, it's helped me get closure I think." I say. "That's good though. Means you can start moving forward." he tells me. "It does. I want to move forward. Juice, I'm not saying I'm okay because I'm not. I won't be for awhile but you and Happy make me feel like I'm safe and like I will be okay and that helps me start moving to being okay. Does that make sense?" I ask. "It does. You'll get there and we will be here the entire way." He tells me. "I know. And I love you both for it. I'm so sorry for pushing you guys away like I did." I tell him. "Don't be. You went through some horrible shit. But we got you. Never doubt that." he tells me. "I won't." I tell him as he takes my hand and kisses my knuckles.

After breakfast, we head home and as soon as we are in the door, Juice picks me up and carries me to the bed. Shedding clothes, we go for two more rounds before another in the shower, waiting on Happy to get home. That evening, Happy comes in and heads to the shower. I follow him in and he pins me to the wall as he lifts me up. My arms going around his neck and legs going around his waist as he enters me. Thrusting in and out hard and fast, we both find out release. Before he puts me down, he looks me in the eyes and says "I love you little girl." I smile at him and say "I love you Killer. Always." before kissing him gently knowing these two men would do anything to protect me.

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