Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

Waking up the next morning, snuggled between my men, I wake up feeling Happy kissing my neck and shoulder. I snuggle closer to him and feel Juice start to stir too. I move one hand behind me and start stroking Happy's hard member while my other hand does the same to Juice. We are all still naked from the night before so Happy moves my hand and slides his hard cock into my already wet folds and starts thrusting in and out of my core while Juice is kissing me deeply while I stroke his hard member. Pulling out, Happy guides me to straddle Juice. Juice slides his hard cock into my core and Happy slides his hard cock into my rear entrance and they start thrusting in and out at the same time causing me to lose all sense of words. I feel myself start to come undone and before I know it, I am cumming harder than I ever have before. I feel Juice lose himself inside me while Happy pulls out and cums all over my back and ass. "Holy fuck." I say. Happy looks at me and smirks. "That good?" he asks. "I can honestly say I have never done that before." I tell him. "You like it?" Juice asks. "Oh yeah. Definitely doing that again." I tell them and they start laughing.

We get up to start our day and we all head to the garage. Walking into the office, Juice and Happy clock in, kissing me before heading to the garage and Gemma walks in. "How are you doing?" she asks. I look at her and for the first time in a while I say "Honestly I have never been better." She smiles and says "You're glowing." I smile more and say "They've been good to me. I feel like my old self." I tell her. She heads out to spend some time with Abel and Koz walks in. Sitting on the couch he asks "How are you?" I look at him before walking over and sitting next to him. "I'm really good Koz. Seriously. Between you and the guys, I have never been better." I say. He looks at me for a minute and sees that I am okay. "You really are okay." he says. "I am. I have you, Happy and Juice to thank for that. You've been my best friend and I honestly don't know what I would have done without you three." I tell him. He hugs me before getting back to work.

Lunchtime rolls around and the Chucky comes to relieve me. "Thanks Chucky." I say. "No problem Peri." he says before I walk out of the office and to the picnic tables where my men are. Sitting between them with Koz and Tig across from me, I kiss Happy's cheek and then Juice's cheek before saying hi to the rest of the guys. Looking at my food, I pick up the burger and dig in. As I eat, I feel Happy put his hand on one thigh while Juice puts his hand on the other and I can't help the smile that crosses my face. "You look happy." Tig says. I look at him and say "I am Tiggy. I really am." The entire table smiles. Once I get done eating, I tell the guys I'm heading back to the office. I kiss both my guys and then kiss Koz's cheek before heading back.

That night, there's a party. We hang out for awhile and I tell the guys that I am heading out for some air. Tara walks over and says "You look better." I smile and say "I'm feeling better." I tell her. "Can I ask you something?" she asks and I look at her. "How do you handle being with both of them?" she asks and I look at her confused. "What do you mean?" I ask. "I know being with Jax is hard enough. Worrying all the time. Having to handle the whores always after him. Knowing that he could hook up with anyone on runs and can't do a thing about it." she tells me. "We have an agreement. They tell me everything and I do the same. It's the only way it works. Does Jax tell you everything?" I ask. "No." she tells me. "Then tell him. You have to tell him what you want. Guys are stupid. Thinking with two heads, they get confused when it comes to what we want. Talk to him. He's a good guy. I bet if you told him that you hated the run rule and wanted full disclosure he would do it." I tell her. "I'll talk to him tonight when we head to bed." she tells me. Hugging me, we both get off the table and head inside to our men.

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