Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

After talking to Gemma, I head to my dorm and get my things to head home. I walk in the door at home, shower, change and sit on the couch and order pizza. I had just sat down with the pizza when I hear a bike pull in. Walking to the door, I see Koz walking up. I open the door and say "Do you have radar or something?" he looks at me confused. "Everytime I have food ready, you show up." I tell him and he laughs. Putting his arm around my shoulders he walks with me over to the couch and sits down. He takes his kutte off and his boots and I know he's going to be staying a while. "You know we have Lyla and Opie's wedding tomorrow." he says. "I know. What time do I need to be there?" I ask. "About four to get ready." he tells me. I nod and lean into his side. "So, I hear you had a little chat with another one of my brothers." he says and I groan. "Not you too." I say as I get up and head to the kitchen. He follows me. "Hey. What it is?" he asks. "Koz, I had a nice conversation with Juice and then hung out with Happy. Nothing happened. Why is everyone making such a big deal out of it?" I ask and he looks at me confused. "Who else said something?" He asks. "Gemma. Someone told her that I was hanging out with Juice and Happy." I tell him, sighing defeatedly. "Hey. Talk to me." he says as I sit down in one of the kitchen chairs. He kneels in front of me and I say "Why is it that I can't talk to a guy without someone making a comment? I talk to you? Everyone starts asking if I'm your girl. Miles asked me out and everyone starts asking if I'm into Miles. I talk to Juice and Happy and all of a sudden everyone's picking out a fucking crow." I tell him. He gets up and sits in the chair next to me and asks "So what? We all know you can't stand Miles. Juice is good guy. Happy is scary as fuck but loyal as fuck too. And you really can't go wrong with me." he says and I start laughing. "You will never be an option. That's just gross." I tell him and he feigns hurt. "But seriously. Just keep an open mind. I love you shithead but being connected to the club, shit happens. The closer you are, the more protected you are." he says and I nod, knowing what he's saying. "Koz, I will never be an Old Lady. No matter how bad Gemma wants me to be." I say. "You don't know that. You could be one day." He says. "Only if I choose Miles and that shit will never happen. Like never fucking happen." I tell him sternly.

Koz leaves after a while and I just sit there thinking. I'll never be an Old Lady. I just have to keep my head down and try to stay off the radar with Gemma when it comes to the guys. I love that woman but damn, she's killing me. Later that night, I am lying in bed and can't sleep. I hear my phone ring. I pick it up off the nightstand and see a number I don't recognize. "Hello?" I answer. "Hey Little girl." he says. I smile knowing it's Happy. "Hey Happy. What do I owe this pleasure?" I ask. "Pleasure? I can give you pleasure." he rasps and I feel that shiver again. "I bet you can. But what can I do for you?" I ask and realize that's a loaded question too. "Where do I start?" he asks. "Shit. Fine Hap. How are you?" I ask finally, knowing anything else I say will just be turned perverted. Damn him. "Good little girl. Thought about going for a ride for a while and wanted to see if you wanted to tag along." he says. "Sure. I can do that." I say. "Pick you up in ten." he says. "I'll text you the address." I say. "Don't need it." he says and I roll my eyes. Fucking Kozik. "See you in ten." I say. My hair is already in a braid so all I need to do it get dressed. I had just finished putting on my boots when Happy knocks on the door. "You ready?" he asks. I walk out and lock the door and say "Let's go."

We get on his bike and he pulls out of the driveway with me pressed close against his back and my arms around his stomach, hands on his abs. I can feel how tone he is even under his shirt and kutte and have to admit, I'm a little turned on. We stop at a redlight and he reaches over and squeezes my thigh. I pat his stomach to let him know that I'm good. We head off again at the greenlight and see the sign telling me we are leaving Charming.

We pull up to this little mountain. Getting off the bike, he follows. We takes my hand and walks me over underneath a tree. He sits down and I go to sit next to him but he pulls me between his legs. I sit there and lean back against him. His arms go around me and he laces his fingers with mine. We both just sit there silently until I finally speak. "This view is beautiful." I say. "It is. I like to come up here to think sometimes." he tells me. I feel a little cold and shiver a little from the chill and he pulls me closer. I feel his breath on my neck and move even closer. I turn my face to look at him and he kisses me. Nothing rough about it. Just slow and simple kisses. I turn in front of him and straddle his lap. He runs his fingers under the hem of my shirt but doesn't push farther. The more we kiss, the more I feel the tingle. We pull back for air and put our foreheads together and just sit. I start laughing and he looks at me. "You know I got shit because of that stunt last night." I say softly. "I know. Koz asked me about it and I told him it wasn't his business." I look into his eyes and say "Thank you." He looks at me confused and I say "Been a long time since someone saw me as something other than one of the guys." I say. "What about your boy Miles?" he asks smirking. "Not my boy. Will never be my boy." I tell him and he laughs. "He won't bother you again." he tells me and I look at him. "Told him you ain't interested and he's to keep his distance." he tells me. "Thank you, Happy." I tell him. We sit a little longer and just kiss before he takes me back home. I get off his bike and he pulls me to him and says "Night little girl." I smile and say "Night killer." before heading inside and heading to bed.

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