Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Waking up the next morning, I open my eyes and notice I'm in bed alone. Getting up, I get dressed and head to the kitchen and see Gemma standing there cooking breakfast with Lyla and Tara milling about the kitchen. "Morning." Lyla says when she sees me. "Morning." I say. I move to the island and sit and ask "Where are the guys?" Gemma looks over her shoulder at me and says "Had some club business to handle. They said they didn't want to wake you. I guess you were finally sleeping." she says. "Yeah. I guess I was." I say. Tara looks over and says "I'm happy for you." I look at her confused and Gemma and Lyla see what Tara was talking about. "What?" I ask still confused. "Sweetheart, you have hickeys all down your neck." I blush and Gemma asks "You did, didn't you?" All I can do is nod. "That's great honey." Lyla says. "How was it?" Tara asks and I look at her shocked. She's not normally this forward. "Oh come on. I might be with Jax but that doesn't mean I haven't been curious about some of the others." We all look at her shocked and I say "You really should be like this more often. Now you sound like us." We all laugh and I say, "Okay. It was actually amazing. They took their time and never once did I think about my attack. They were gentle and it was" I say. "Who's bigger?" Gemma asks. "Oh." I start laughing. "Happy is a little longer than Juice but Juice is a little thicker than Happy. But both are definitely not lacking in that area. But, wow, Happy's tongue is another story." I tell them. "What about Juice?" Lyla asks. "Didn't get that far with him. He was a little occupied while I was experiencing Happy's tongue but I'll let you know when I do." I tell them. We sit around talking a little more before the guys come in.

Once the guys walk in the door, Happy walks over and kisses me softly and says "Hey little girl." Juice walks over and kisses me too and say "Hey Princess." I smile and say "Hey guys." Juice looks at Gemma and says "Thanks for staying with her." Gemma smiles and says "Anytime." All three ladies hug me goodbye and Lyla whispers "I better get details." We both start laughing as they walk out the door. "Good to see you laughing." Happy says. "Yeah. I've been feeling better lately. Thanks to you two." I tell them. I get up to start dinner and Happy stops me. "No you don't. You're still supposed to be resting." he tells me. Juice pulls out his phone and calls the diner to order dinner. "I'll be back in a few. Babe, I'm taking your car." he tells me and I nod and get him the keys. I sit on the couch and Happy sits next to me. "You really feeling better?" he asks. "Yeah. I am. Last night, not once did I think about my attack. Even sitting today with the girls, I felt like my old self. Laughing and talking. I'm okay." I tell him. He kisses me softly and says "That's what we want to hear." I kiss him deeply and he growls into my mouth. "Fuck little girl." he says and I look at him. "You don't know what you do when you kiss me like that." he says. I blush a little and shy away. "Hey." he says as he tilts my head up to look at him and sees me smiling. "Are you happy?" he asks. "Yeah. Hap. I'm happy. You and Juice make me really happy." I tell him. "Good." he says before kissing me softly again.

Juice walks in and puts dinner down on the table. "I put gas in your car." he tells me. "Thank you baby." I say. I'm really feeling like everything's okay. I kiss him deeply and when we break the kiss, he looks at me and I say "I'm okay." He smiles and looks at Hap and he nods. Looking back at me he says "You're okay." We sit down to eat and Happy turns on a show about rebuilding cars. We sit for awhile and I say "I'm gonna shower." I get up and head to the shower. I let the hot water run over me and feel Juice's arms wrap around me. Turning in his arms, he kisses me deeply and says "I love you." He picks me up and puts me against the shower wall. I wrap my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck as he enters me slowly. Taking his time, he thrusts in and out at a slow pace. "Fuck. Don't stop Juan. I'm close." I moan in his ear. He picks up the pace a little and I fall over the edge while he follows right behind me. He gets out and Happy steps in. He kisses me hard before pinning me facing the wall. He runs his fingers through my still wet folds before he inserts one finger, then the second, thrusting in and out of me slowly. "That feel good little girl?" he asks. "Yes Daddy. Fuck." I moan and hear him growl in my ear. "Say that again." he orders. "Yes. Daddy." I moan over and over. He finally has enough and enters me roughly. Thrusting in and out I feel myself start to fall apart around his hard member. Me finding my release, causes him to find his. "Fuck baby. You're gonna be the death of me." he says. I just laugh softly. We finish cleaning off and head to the bed. Climbing into bed, I say "I love you both so much." as I lay my head on Happy's chest. Juice curls up against me from behind and they both tell me how much they love me.

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