Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Juice and I spend a little more time out there just talking. "So, tell me a little about yourself Juicy." I tell him. "Grew up in Queens. No real family other than the club. Into video games and comics, computers and shit." he tells me. "What about you?" he asks. "Grew up in Georgia. Shitty mom. Non-existent dad and so hard up for a friend I took on Kozik." I tell him and we both laugh. "Okay. DC or Marvel?" I ask. "Marvel for sure." he says. "Thank God. DC is for punks." I say and he starts laughing. "How long you been working at the garage?" Juice asks. "About six months now. Drove out here from Georgia and needed to get my car checked out. Gemma was about two seconds from killing a couple of the guys and I asked if she needed any help. She offered me the job. Helped me find a house and get set up and shit. Been like a mom to me since I've been here." I tell him. "That's good. When I came out here, I didn't have anyone. Good at hacking and shit so did the club a favor and they took me in. Let me prospect and been patched six years now." he tells me. "Good. Sometimes the family we find isn't the one we are born into." I tell him. "That sounds like Gemma." He says laughing. "No. Actually I think it was Piney. Get enough Patron in him and he can say some really profound shit." I tell him. And we start laughing again. "I really don't think I've laughed this much in a long time. Thank you." Juice says. "Anytime you need a laugh...let me know." I tell him and we go on talking.

We head back inside and I walk to the bar with Juice behind me. Koz looks at me and then Juice and smirks. "Stop asshole." I say smacking his chest. "What?" he asks. I just shake my head. "I'm gonna head to the dorm. Night guys. Night Peri." he says. "Night Juice." I say as he heads down the hall. I look at Koz and he smirks again. "Say it." I say. "You and the idiot hitting it off?" he asks. "First, don't call him an idiot. Second, he's a nice guy. We were just talking." I tell him. "Okay." he says before pulling me into a side hug and me just shaking my head.

Later that night, Koz has already found his girl for the night and I see Happy sitting alone on one of the couches. "Hey Hap." I say as I take the seat next to him. "Hey Peekaboo." he says. "Not you too." I say laughing. "Nah. You having fun?" he asks. "I should be asking you that." I tell him. "Well, I'm good." he says. "Me too. But shouldn't you be finding your girl for the night?" I ask. "Nah. Been this long. I'm just gonna hang for a while." he says. We look over and see Bobby passed out, face first between some croweater's legs. "That is something I really didn't need to see." I tell him laughing. "Thought you weren't shy?" he asks. "I'm not but still. I've seen where she's been." I tell him and he starts laughing. Happy and I talk a little more and before I know it, we are sitting there and I look at Miles and see he's glaring again. "I swear all he does is glare at me now." I say and Happy looks over at Miles and then says to me "I'll get him to stop." I look at him and before I can say anything, his hand is on my knee and he's leaned over and whispering in my ear "He's scared shitless of me." I place my hand on the side of his face as he whispers and feel shivers up my spine. Happy feels me shiver and pulls back with a smirk. "Like that did you little girl?" he asks. "I plead the fifth." I say smirking. He leans back over and asks "What if I did this?" and he places a couple of small kisses to my neck and I grab the front of his kutte with one of my hands while the other is gripping his hand that's on my knee. "You're playing with fire there killer." I say. He looks at me and says "Not yet I ain't." I shake my head and say "That's my cue to head to my dorm." I say. He looks at me and I say "Alone." as I shake my head. I stand up to leave but before I do, I lean down and kiss his cheek and whisper "Welcome home Happy." before retreating to my dorm wondering what the hell just happened.

Waking up the next morning, it's Sunday and I head into the kitchen in search of coffee. "Morning Gemma." I say as I see her sitting at the table. "Morning baby. How was your night?" she asks. "Good. Talked to a few of the guys. Got to know them a little bit." I tell her. "I'm sure you did." she says smirking. "Shit. What'd you hear?" I ask. "Well, just that you were talking to the little Rican for a while until he went to bed...alone. Then that you were sitting on the couch getting a little cozy with a certain other brother." she tells me. "Shit." I say. "Oh no. Come on. Let's go where there are no prying ears. You and I need to talk." she tells me. I get up and follow her to the office where she closes and locks both doors. Sitting on the couch next to me, she says "Spill." I take a drink of my coffee and smirk. "Okay, so I was sitting outside getting air and Juice came out and sat next to me. We just talked. Nothing like flirting or anything but just getting to know each other. He's a sweet guy. Smart as hell." I tell her. "Okay. What about the other brother?" she asks. "I saw Happy sitting alone and went over and sat down next to him. We started talking and I noticed Miles was glaring at me again and Happy said he'd make him stop. I figured he say something to him but instead, he put his hand on my knee and leaned over and whispered in my ear that Miles was scared shitless of him. I might have shivered a little and he might have noticed. We might have flirted a little and he might have kissed my neck a little, messing with me. I went to bed alone. Nothing happened." I tell her. "Shivered huh?" she asked. "Yeah. It was weird but here's the thing. Talking to Juice, I kinda got butterflies when he smiled." I tell her. "Just keep yourself open. Anything can happen around here." she tells me and I just nod.

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