Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

Waking up the next morning, I am snuggled in between my two husbands and I feel safe and free. My head on Happy's chest and Juice snuggled behind me, I turn over and snuggle into Juice's chest while Happy snuggles behind me and I can't help but smile. I kiss Juice's chest and kiss up his neck and to his lips where he returns the kiss. Turning my head, I kiss Happy good morning and slide out to get breakfast started but Happy stops me and says "Let's go to breakfast." I nod and we all get up and get dressed and head to the diner.

Walking into the diner, we get to the back booth where we always sit and I have Happy across from me and Juice beside me. I still haven't said much. "You okay babe?" Happy asks. "Yeah. Just...trying to wrap my head around everything. The more I think about it the more a part of me wants to know what they wanted but another part of me doesn't." I tell them. "Baby, it's better you don't know. But if you decide for sure you want to know, we will tell you. But you have to be 100% sure. We don't want you to go through more than you have to if we can help it." Juice says and Happy nods. Our food comes and we eat. Once done, we leave and head to the clubhouse.

Walking into the clubhouse, we are greeted by Gemma and Koz. "How you doing baby?" Gemma asks. "I'm okay. Just still processing." I say. "It will take a beat but you'll get there." Koz says. I nod. "Let's get some coffee sweetheart." Gemma says, leaving the guys to talk. "How's she really doing?" Koz asks. "Like she said. Still processing." Happy says. "She's conflicted on if she wants to know or not but other than that, she's not pushing us away so that's a good sign." Juice says. At the bar, I look over at the guys talking and Gemma says "Those men love you." I look at her and smile softly and say "I know. I love them too. Hell, even Koz's dumb ass." Gemma laughs and I say "But seriously. I love all you guys. You're my family and you've been so good to me. I could never show you how much I love and appreciate you all." Gemma hugs me and says "Baby, you're right. You're family and that's what we do for family." The guys come over and I feel Happy sit beside me and put his hand on my thigh while Juice is on my other side, with his arm around my shoulder. I lean and kiss Happy before kissing Juice and I see Koz walk around the bar and refill my coffee as we all sit around and talk. I look over and see Piney. I get up and walk over to him and hug him tight and kiss his cheek and say "Thank you Pop." He smiles and says "You're my kid. We got you."

After spending the day at the clubhouse, I start to yawn. "You tired baby?" Juice asks. "I'm okay." I tell him and he looks at me like he doesn't believe me. "You wanna crash here tonight?" Happy asks. I nod my head. "I'm gonna lay down." I tell them. Kissing them both softly I head down the hall. I see one of the croweaters coming out of the bathroom and she stops me. "You have to tell me how you did it?" she asks. I look at her confused. "Did what?" I ask. "Snag two of our men? You really think your pussy is that good?" she asks. I get in her face and say "I can't help it if they want my tight pussy instead of your stretched out ass. They are committed to me just like I am to them so you ever step in front of me like this again, I'll gut your nasty ass." I tell her before walking into our room.

A little later, the guys come walking in and they lay in bed with me and I'm still awake. "Thought you were tired baby. Can't sleep?" Juice asks. "Can't sleep. One of the croweaters pissed me off." I tell him. "What'd she say?" Happy asks. "Just wanting to know how I got both of you. Saying I can't honestly believe that my pussy is that good." I tell them. "Well it is pretty good." Juice says, grinning. I laugh a little and says "You're a goof." He kisses me softly and says "I'm your goof." Happy looks at me and asks "What did you say to her?" I smirk and say "That I can't help it if you both love my tight pussy more than her stretched out ass and if she stepped up to me again I'd gut her nasty ass." I tell them. They both laugh and say "That's our Old Lady." Happy says. "Tomorrow, we're giving you our crows. Should have done it already." Happy continues. "Okay baby. But now, I need my men to help me sleep." I say and they lay down with me and I fall asleep snuggled between the men I love.

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