Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Waking up the next morning, the guys are still sleeping. I get out of bed and start breakfast. Once it's done, I go to the bedroom and wake Happy up. "Hap, breakfast is done." I tell him. He kisses me softly before getting out of bed and heading to the bathroom. I move over to Juice and kiss his lips softly. He returns the kiss and I say "Breakfast is done." He kisses me one more time and says "Be there in a minute." I nod and head back to the kitchen. I get them both orange juice and coffee before getting my own. I'm plating our food when they walk in. Placing their food in front of them, I get my own. Sitting with my guys, we eat and I ask "You guys working today?" Happy says "I am but Juice will be here with you today." I nod and Happy smirks at me. "What?" I ask. "You realized you won't be leaving the bed." Juice says and I shake my head laughing. "And I get my turn when I get home." Happy says. "Shit. You guys are gonna make sure I don't walk for a few days aren't you?" I ask. "Pretty much." they say at the same time. I still have another week before I get to go back to work so once we get done eating, I help Juice clean the kitchen while Happy gets ready for work. Happy walks over to kiss me goodbye before heading out to work.

Once Happy is gone, I move to the couch and Juice moves with me. We turn on a movie and he pulls me into his side. I pull him to lay down and his head is on my chest. He leans up and kisses me softly. He deepens the kiss as he moves to hover over me. Kissing down my neck to my collarbone, he pulls my shirt over my head and then pulls his off. Hovering over me again, he kisses down my chest paying close attention to one breast before giving the same attention to the other before kissing down my stomach. He pulls off my shorts and panties before positioning himself between my legs. Kissing one thigh and then the other, he starts to run his tongue slowly up and down my already wet folds before attacking my bundle of nerves, causing me to come undone underneath him. "Juice, fuck. Don't stop. Fuck." I moan out before I lose myself and fine my release. He moves to hover over me again. Kissing me, letting me taste myself on his lips, he enters me slowly. Thrusting in and out slowly, he makes love to me. "I love you so much." he rasps as he puts his forehead to mine. He continues to thrust in and out over and over until I reach my release again and he reaches his right behind me. Still inside me, our foreheads together, I close my eyes and the tears start to fall. "Hey. Peri. Baby. Hey." he says as he caresses my cheek. I open my eyes as he wipes the tears away. "Baby, what's wrong?" He asks concerned. I shake my head. "Just in my own mind again. I'm okay." I tell him as I move to get off the couch and head to the bedroom. Juice grabs my hand as he stands and pulls me to him. "We're not going anywhere baby." he says. I bury my face in his chest and he rubs my back as he leads me to the couch again. Sitting down, he pulls me to his lap and just holds me. "I'm sorry." I tell him. "For what baby?" he asks softly. "Being like this." I tell him. He tilts my head up to look at him and says "Baby, what you went through, it was brutal. You agreeing to be with us, that means a lot that you trust us enough to be with us after that. We love you so much." he tells me. I look up at him and say "I love you."

We spend the rest of the day, lying in bed just talking and kissing. I still can't get the thoughts out of my head but him being close, helps some. Happy comes in and says "Jax needs you at the clubhouse brother." Juice kisses me softly and says "I'll be back later. I love you." he says as he looks into my eyes so that I know he means it. Happy walks to the living room with Juice and he tells Happy, "Man, she's had a bad one today. Can't stay out of her own head." Happy pats him on the shoulder and says "I'll take care of her brother. Be safe." Juice nods and heads out the door.

Happy walks back into the bedroom and strips down to his boxers. Lying on the bed with me, he pulls me to him and says "Heard you had a bad day." I just nod my head. "You know we're here." he tells me. I look up at him and say "Make me forget." and there are tears in my eyes. He wipes the tears away before kissing me deeply and hovering over me. He pulls my shirt over my head before kissing down my neck to my chest, leaving love bites along side the ones that Juice apparently left. He slides out of his boxers and positions himself between my legs before he enters me slowly. He slowly makes love to me, which is out of character for him but feels just as good. He's taking his time, causing me to come undone underneath him before we both find out release. He lays beside me as he pulls me close and says "We love you little girl. You're it." he tells me. I sit up and ask, without looking at him, "Even me being as fucked up as I am?" I ask. He sits up beside me and forces me to look at him. "You ain't fucked up. You're goddamned perfect." he says and I shake my head and move to stand up but he pulls me to lay back down and hovers over me. "You're fucking perfect. You're strong, passionate, understanding. You're beautiful, smart as hell, and you belong to us. Don't ever think you're fucked up baby. You're not." he tells me before he kisses me softly. I lay my head on his chest and doze off before Juice makes it back from the clubhouse.

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