Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

After we come down off the roof, we head out to the picnic tables where everyone else is. I sit on one of the tables while the guys are talking and Koz walks over and sits next to me. "You good?" he asks. "Yeah. We talked. I'm seeing both of them." I tell him. "See, told you that you had nothing to worry about." he says as he throws his arm around my shoulder. "Thanks for talking me down the other night." I tell him. "That's what best friends do. We keep each other straight." he says. I stand from the table and walk over to the guys. "I'm gonna head home. I'll see you guys tomorrow?" I ask. "Yeah babe." Juice says before kissing me softly and telling me good night. Happy kisses me too and says "See you tomorrow babe." I walk to the car and see Miles glaring at me again.

The next day, I clock in and so do Koz, Happy and Juice. "Morning Peekaboo." Koz says and I roll my eyes. "Morning asshole." I say smiling. Happy walks over and kisses my cheek. "Morning little girl." he says. "Morning babe." I say and then Juice walks over and says "Morning beautiful." I shake my head and say "Morning Goof." before they walk into the garage to get to work. About lunchtime, the three of them come to the office. "Gotta head out on club shit. Miles and Phil are here if you need anything." Koz tells me. "Okay. Just be careful. All of you." I say.

I close up the shop and the guys still aren't back yet. Sitting at the bar, talking to Phil, I head to the bathroom. When I come out, Miles is standing there and corners me against the door. "Let me go." I say. "You honestly think anyone cares about you? All you are to those three is easy pussy. They don't want you. No one wants a fat Old Lady." he tells me. I feel the tears prick my eyes but I don't let them fall. "I don't want to see you in this clubhouse again. You hear me whore?" he says. I nod and he lets me go. I walk straight out the door and don't answer Phil when he calls after me.

A little later, the guys come back in and walk to the bar. The guys start looking around and Phil says "She's not here." The three of them look at him and he says "Looked a little upset when she left here. Wouldn't even look at me when I called after her." he says. "Shit." Koz says. Happy pulls out his phone and tries to call but I let it go to voicemail. "She ain't answering." Happy says. They leave the clubhouse and head to my house.

I'm lying in bed, sobbing when I hear my door open. "Peri." I hear them all call out. I don't say anything. I sit up in the bed as they walk into my bedroom. "Are you okay?" I hear Juice ask. "Yeah. I'm fine. Just tired." I tell them. "That why you look like you've been crying?" Koz asks. "I'm fine guys. Just head back to the clubhouse. I'll see you all tomorrow." I say as I get up and head to the bathroom. Happy grabs my hand and says "No. Talk to us." I shake my head and say "Nothing for you to worry about." as I try to pull my hand from his but he doesn't let me. "You're our girl. That means it is." Juice says. "Not your girl. Just easy pussy. Now just go." I tell them as I pull away from Happy and go into the bathroom, locking the door behind me. A few minutes later, I hear Gemma knocking on the bathroom door. "Baby girl, let me in." she tells me. I let her in and she locks the door behind her. "What happened?" she asks. "I was cornered at the clubhouse and told that those three don't care about me that I'm just easy pussy. Told me that they wouldn't care about me because no one wants a fat Old Lady and I was told not to come into the warehouse again." I tell her. "Honey, don't listen to those whores. They will say anything to keep the men available to them." she tells me. "Wasn't a croweater. Was a patched member." I tell her. "I'll let the guys know. Let them handle it." she tells me and I nod.

She walks out of the bathroom and tells the guys what I told her. "That's bull shit. Those whores need to be shut the fuck up." Koz says. "Wasn't one of the whores. Was a member." she tells them. "The only ones that were there were...fuck." Juice says. "Miles." Koz says and Gemma nods. "Let's go." Happy says. "What are you gonna do Happy?" I ask. He looks at me and says "Handle it." I laugh. "Really? Over a piece of easy pussy? What are you gonna do? Can't kill him. He's a member. Club comes first over pussy, remember?" I ask. He walks over and says "You ain't easy pussy. You belong to me and Juice. Period." he tells me. I pull away and say "Don't worry about it. It's not worth it. Just please leave." I say. "Bull shit. It will be handled." Happy tells me as he starts to walk out the door. I follow him and say "Just leave it." He looks at me and yells "Get in the fucking house." I jump and walk back inside. "Are you okay?" Gemma asks. "Just please go. All of you." I say softly trying to fight the tears. Gemma squeezes my shoulder and walks out with Koz behind her. "I'll take care of Happy." he says and I nod. Juice walks over and says "I'm not going anywhere. Come here." he tells me as he pulls me close. I try to pull away but he doesn't let me and I begin to sob.

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