Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

The next couple of weeks go by and things are getting better. We are sitting at home, me on the couch between my husbands and Koz sitting in the recliner to the side and we are watching a movie when there's a knock on the door. Koz gets up to answer it and I hear her. "Is Peri here?" I get up and walk to the door with the guys behind me. "What do you want?" I ask with my arms across my chest. "Can we talk?" she asks. I step outside with them behind me and Juice asks "Who's she?" I don't look at him but say "Was my mother." I tell them. Koz and I had told them all about my mother. "Was? I still am." she says. "No. You're not. I cut you out of my life remember? Told you to lose my number. Now, what do you want?" she asks. "I need your help." she says. "I'm not giving you money." I tell her. "Peri, I raised you. You have to help me." she tells me. "No I don't. You're not my responsibility. Plus, you didn't raise me. Aunt Joni did." I tell her. "Now you need to leave." I tell her. "I'm not going anywhere. Who are these men?" she asks. Koz steps forward and says "Her brother." My mother just shakes her head. Happy and Juice step forward and Happy says "Her husbands. Now, she asked you to leave and don't want you to contact her. So you need to leave." he tells her and her eyes go wide. "Peri, I need your help. Please." she begs. "What?" I ask. "You're Dad showed up. Told me that he wanted to know where you were. Wanted to see how his little girl turned out." she says and my eyes go wide. "Shit." I say. "So you're first thought was to come here where he could follow you?" Koz asks. "I needed to warn her and I knew she wouldn't answer my calls. I start to pace and Juice gets in front of me and stops me. I snap my eyes up to his and he sees the fear. Leading me and mom into the house, they sit me down on the couch and Koz says "Talk to us Peri."

I take a minute to get my breath before telling them what has me so scared. "You know how I told you I have a non-existent dad?" I ask and they all nod. "There's a reason for that. The only thing my mother ever did for me was ship me off to my Aunt's house to live because my dad was molesting me. Mom found out and got me out of there. That's why I said Aunt Joni raised me. She hid me and protected me." I say. "Shit. Where is he now?" Happy asks. Before she could answer, there's a knock at the door. I walk over and look through the peephole and see him standing there. I back away and say "He's outside our door." I start to go into a panic attack and Juice is right in front of me. "Don't let him near me. Please." I beg. "We won't baby. Koz, take her and her mom to the bedroom and stay there with them." Juice says. Koz nods and leads us to the bedroom. We get inside and Koz pulls me close while he glares at my mom. "You lead him here." I say. "You knew he'd follow you." I tell her. "He said he'd kill me if I didn't." she says. Koz tells me. "Get in the closet and stay there until one of us comes for you." I do what he says and he pulls my mom to the living room. "This bitch came here knowing he'd follow her. She admitted it. Fucker said he'd kill her if she didn't." Koz says. Juice grabs her and pins her to the wall. "You lead him to my fucking wife?" he asks, pissed off. Happy grabs my dad and pins him to the floor. Koz is on the phone and within a few minutes, Piney pulls up in the van and Gemma comes running into the house. "Peri's in the closet." Koz says and Gemma comes running into my room. "Peri, baby, come here." she tells me and I come out and into her arms. "Ma, don't let them get me." I beg. "We won't baby. We won't." she tells me.

I get myself together and she leads me to the living room. The guys already have my parents tied and in the van. I walk outside and into Happy's arms. Piney walks over and I move to hug him and he says "We'll take care of this. Gemma will stay with you and help get you calmed down." Piney says. "Okay Pop." I tell him. Gemma leads me into the house and makes me some tea while the guys handle my parents.

Getting them to the cabin, they are tied to chairs and gagged. "You piece of shit. What were you planning on doing when you found Peri?" Koz asks my dad. "Wanted to see how she filled out. Maybe take her home and let some friends have a taste of her. Her pussy still tight?" he asks and Juice lunges at him. Jax pulls him back and Juice seethes "I'll fucking kill you." My mom is struggling in her binds. "What were you gonna do? Just hand her over to him? What were you getting out of it?" Piney asks. "He was giving me a hundred grand. Said some of his buddies were willing to pay to fuck her." she says and Piney takes his gun and puts a round in her skull. They spend the next hour torturing my dad before Happy and Juice both fill him with bullets.

After it's done, Koz, Happy and Juice walk in the door at home and Gemma is sitting on the couch holding me. Juice kneels in front of me and says "Hey. Peri, baby. Look at me." I look at him and he says "It's done." I feel myself visibly relax. I wrap my arms around him and kiss his cheek and whisper "Thank you." I look up at Happy and Koz and say "All of you. I don't want to know what happened or why they were here just, thank you." I say. Gemma stands and Koz walks over and says "I got you sis." I hug him and kiss his cheek. Happy walks over and I kiss him deeply and say "I love you." Turning back to Juice, I pull him close and say "I love you." They both say they love me and we head to bed and just lay there together in silence.

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