Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

I wake up the next morning and get ready for work. Walking into the office, I get a cup of coffee and sit at my desk and start entering invoices. Happy comes in to clock in and says "Morning little girl." I look up and smile. "Morning Hap." I say. He walks over and kisses the top of my head and walks out the door to the garage. Juice walks in and says "Morning." I smile and say "Morning Juicy. Guess what I got." He looks at me and says "What?" I look at him and say "The new Call of Duty. Wanna come over after work and check it out?" I ask. "Hell yeah I do." he tells me before he walks out the door to get to work.

Lunchtime rolls around and Koz comes to the door. "Phil picked up lunch." he says. I walk out of the office and to the picnic tables and am sitting between Happy and Juice with Koz in front of me grinning. They start passing out the food and Phil hands me my salad. "The fuck is that?" Happy asks. "It's called a salad. I hear they're good for you." I say. He moves his bag of fries over and says "Eat." Shaking my head I say "I am eating." He takes my salad and throws it away. "You're fine. Eat." he says. I shake my head and start eating the fries. After lunch I go to head into the office, Happy grabs my hand. "You're fine." he says again. I nod and head inside to get back to work.

Time to leave and Happy and Juice clock out. I tell Juice "I'll meet you at my car. You can follow." He nods and heads out. Happy looks at me and asks "You and the idiot hanging out tonight?" he asks. "Yeah. Thought I'd kick his ass in some COD. You good with that?" I ask. "Yeah. Have fun babe." he says before kissing my temple and walking out the door. I walk to the car and Juice is on his bike waiting. Pulling out of the lot with Juice behind me, I call and order pizza on the drive home. Pulling into the driveway, I get out of the car and Juice gets off his bike. "I ordered pizza. Should be here soon." I tell him and he nods. We walk in and I say "Make yourself at home. Beer in the fridge. I'm gonna get a shower real fast." I tell him. Getting out of the shower, I get dressed and head to the living room. Juice is sitting putting the pizza on the coffee table. I sit down and ask "You ready to get your ass kicked Juicy Baby?" He rolls his eyes and says "Like you could." We laugh and get the game started.

An hour later, we're still playing. "Ha. Killed you." I cheer. "You cheated." he says laughing. "I did not. I'm just better at this than you." I say laughing. He lunges for my controller and pins me to the couch. What started out with us laughing ended with us just looking into each other's eyes. Juice leans down and kisses me softly and I return the kiss. He pulls back. "Shit. I'm sorry." He says and goes to move off of me but I stop him. "I'm not." I say as I turn his face to look at me. I lean up and kiss him as he returns the kiss. I can feel him hard against my leg but he does nothing to push me for more. His kiss is different from Happy. Where Happy's were slow but demanding, Juice's are slow and passionate. Both men eliciting the same tingling reaction from me. We spend the next little bit just kissing, pizza and game forgotten. We lay on the couch with his arms around me and my head on his chest as we just talk. It's past Midnight, and he gets up to go. "Before you go. There's something you need to know." I tell him and he looks at me. "I like being with you but I'm talking to Happy too. Are you okay with that?" I ask. "If he is, I am." he says as he kisses me one more time. "See you at work tomorrow Babe." he says before walking out the door and heading to the clubhouse.

At the clubhouse, Juice walks in and sees Happy there. "Can I get a minute brother?" Juice asks. Happy nods and they head outside to the picnic table by the boxing ring. "I just came from Peri's. She said you and her are talking." Juice says. "Yeah. You talking to her too?" Happy asks. "Yeah. She told me that she likes talking to both of us. You okay with that?" Juice asks. "You?" Happy asks. "I am if you are." Juice says. "Then we're good but she don't sync up with nobody else." Happy says. "We need to talk to her tomorrow and work this shit out." Juice says. "Tomorrow." he says and they both sit in silence before turning in for the night.

The next morning, I walk into the office and clock in. Happy and Juice walk in to clock in and Happy says "We need to talk to you after work." I look at him and ask "Everything okay?" Juice speaks up and says "Yeah. Just need to talk some shit out." he tells me. They both walk over and kiss my temple before walking out showing me that it's nothing to be really worried about.

That evening, I clock out and head into the clubhouse and the three of us head to the roof. Once on the roof, I sit on the air unit between them. "We talked. We know you're talking to both of us and as long as you're good with that, we are too. But there's some rules to this shit little girl." He tells me. "Okay. What are the rules?" I ask. "We tell you to do something, you do it. We tell you what you need to know, when you need to know it. No other brother touches you but us." Happy says. "Okay. No one but you guys but what about you guys?" I ask. "No one touches us but you." Juice says. "That include runs?" I ask. "That what you want?" Happy asks and I decide if they are compromising on me seeing both then I will compromise too. "How about this. No road pussy and no one marks either of you up but I won't be opposed to road head." I tell them and they nod. "I guess that means we're together?" I ask. "Yeah babe. That means we're together." Juice tells me. Happy leans over and kisses me softly and then Juice does the same. We all just sit there taking everything in when I feel both of them lace their fingers with mine as we just enjoy the quiet.

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