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Edited: 02/06/24

Reuploaded: 06/06/24

° ❄️ °

L/n clan names Old --> New

Zyra --> Zera

Xander --> Kenji (there aren't any X names, but I've been advised to switch X with K)

Aaron --> Akifumi


"Y/n!" a loud voice shocked me awake as the door opened and a familiar blonde woman came running over to me with a panicked expression.

"We've been here for a while, she needs healing quickly!" Pa basically shouted at Tsunade.

"Shizune, call Sakura and her medical nin division," Tsunade ordered, "tell them we have surgery to do but it'll happen in my office because the patient is in too bad of a condition to move her."

"Right!" Shizune quickly ran out of the office.

"Y/n..." Tsunade trailed off as I looked up at her looking down at me with extremely worried and sad eyes.

"D-don't worry—" I managed to say before coughing up more blood. Ugh. I'm going to die here, I know it.

Kenji's PoV

A burning sensation spread through my lower torso as I walked out of my bedroom, I wasn't the only person, I noticed Zethran was leaning against the wall holding the same place I was burning, we looked at each other and nodded before helping each other downstairs to see Dad and Zera both supporting each other with pained expression while Mother held Zen and looked at them worried.

"Y/n is in grave danger!" Akifumi came flying into the house we all shot him a knowing look as the burning seemed to increase causing me to drop to the floor, pulling Ze along with me because we were holding onto each other.

"She's... dying," Zethran managed to say through gritted teeth, we all shared horrified looks and had the guardian marks teleport to where she was to see her on the floor in some room, surrounded by medics and that Sannin, Tsunade.

"Move," I demanded, pushing them out of my way as I moved to her side. Everyone looked at us all confused as the rest pushed to her side and we all put our hands over her, Zera was grabbing onto the pole sticking out of y/n's stomach.

"A freaking chakra rod," she hissed as it glowed a little, "on the count of three?"

We all nodded.

"1..." Akifumi started.

"2..." Dad continued.

"3!" we all shouted, a bright blue light erupted from our hands as Zera pulled the pole out of y/n causing her to scream out in pain, but she quickly shut up when Dad covered her mouth with one hand as Zera joined us in healing her.

5 minutes...

10 minutes...

Half an hour...

An hour...

One hour and a half passed, and we had finally healed y/n enough that after about a week or so she can do her ninja work again, exhausted we all push ourselves away from the pool of blood and leaned against a wall. The pain in our stomachs had disappeared and y/n forced herself to sit up.

"Thanks..." she whispered before dropping back to the floor, unconscious.

"Get her to the hospital!" the Sannin ordered, one of the medical nins (well I'm guessing that's what they are) unfolded a stretcher, two others lifted y/n onto it and then grabbed an end of the stretcher and carried it away.

When all our energies returned we stood up and Tsunade looked at us suspiciously.

"You're part of the l/n clan meaning..." her eyes fell on my Uncle, instant recognition fell onto her face, "Sora?"

"It's been a while Lady Tsunade," he bowed his head at her, "I apologise for our sudden appearance. She was dying, we had to do something."

"It's ok, she's stable now, that's thanks to you guys. I won't lie, I wasn't sure if I could save her for a moment there," Tsunade replied with complete honesty.

"Excuse us," Zethran stepped forward, "my name is Zethran, or as most call me, just, Ze. I'm y/n's oldest cousin and I was wondering, will you allow me to move to the leaf village."

We all looked at Ze in shock. No one was expecting that. Swallowing my nerves, I also stepped forward, but my Dad put his hand on my shoulder.

"I would like Ze to stick around with y/n, to monitor her, and then be there as family when the rest of us cannot. He's the strongest in healing, excluding y/n who is definitely the best out of the whole l/n clan—seems to be the case with most of the stuff we've taught her—so he can help you out and he's a Snowflake Guardian in training, so he is strong in strategy and strength along with his manipulation of ice and snow," Dad said to Tsunade, "please, Lady Hokage, accept my offer. I want my niece to have family around and also someone who will be able to help you out when she cannot."

Tsunade turned in thought before sighing.

"Offer accepted. Welcome to the village, Zethran," Tsunade said before pulling out a bunch of paper and passing it to him, "you'll move into one of the l/n estates and take an exam to become one of our ninjas. Fill in the correct paperwork. I'll have someone escort you to the designated house soon. As for the rest of you, please leave. Y/n is safe, your son is joining our village as you requested, now your job is done."

"The nerve of her—" Akifumi began before Zera covered his mouth.

"She's the Hokage," she hissed to him, "this is her choice, don't go flaring your mouth because you're dumb enough to forget how rankings work. We're nothing compared to her anyway, she's one of the three Sannin. The last one to still be alive."

"What did you say?" Tsunade asked, Zera froze and quickly escaped, disappearing in a flash of light quickly, Akifumi followed and so did Dad. I stuck around for a while before Ze shot me a glare, I sighed and sent myself home as well just as Dad shouted at Zera for announcing that before the message could reach her.

We knew Orochimaru was dead because the news flooded around the villages quickly and we knew Jiraiya was dead because his chakra disappeared from the world. He's been working with y/n for so long that we started to keep a track on his chakra like we would with one of our guardians because he's a friend of y/n's and also her partner in her watch. But his chakra stopped flowing and...

... so did his hearts beat...

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