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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧grayson bailey dolan✧✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
grayson bailey dolan
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

the rain pelted on the window outside loudly, creating the sounds to echo around the silent classroom. my leg started bouncing up and down in boredom, slightly tapping against the leg of my desk.

i ran a hand through my unbrushed nest of hair, untangling the messy ends as i exhaled. 

"dolan, ethan," the teacher read off the clipboard, my brother standing up from the desk next to me and leaving the room. i was not prepared for this exam whatsoever.

did i study? no.
was i going to anyway? no.

"dolan, grayson," my name alerted me from my daydream. i stood up, my black converse squeaking against the freshly polished floors as i lazily dragged my feet to the main hall. i fiddled with the pencil in my fingers as i moved, finally sticking it behind my ear.

i saw ethan from the end of the corridor, turning to enter through the door way. i followed him and once i came to the same spot, i was told to sit on the desk behind him.

my twin brother gave me a quick smirk and roll of the eyes as i slouched in the seat behind him. minutes later, the hall began to fill up with senior students, the sound of the rain distancing from us.

the teachers walked up and down the rows, giving every student the exam papers. when the woman set mine in front of me, she tapped on my shoulder, mentally telling me to sit up properly to which i completely ignored.

i fished out the pencil that rested on my ear and placed it on the desk in front of me. abruptly, ethan whispered my name, not turning his head to meet mine as his arm moved. he stuck his hand out, a single piece of chewing gum placed in it.

carefully, making sure nobody was watching, i took the piece from his hand, placing it in my mouth, the strong sensation of peppermint flavouring my tastebuds.

i chewed the gum in my mouth as the teacher stood at the front carried on explaining what to do on the exam. i set a stare on the woman explaining, beginning to lose more and more interest.

"remember, a calculator is needed for this examination, so please retrieve yours," she spoke, alarming me and causing me to sit up straight. oh fuck, i've already had enough detentions on forgetting equipment. i cannot have another one or i'm in big trouble.

cautiously, i watched everyone get their calculators out from either their pockets or bags that they brought in. again, my leg started to bounce up and down nervously, resting my head in my hand propped up by my hand.

then, the teachers started walking up and down the hall aisles, looking to see if everyone had one. my heart started to pound beneath my skin, i was surprised that nobody heard it. i felt my cheeks start to flush and my palms sweat.

suddenly, somebody tapped on my shoulder from behind me, forcing me to turn around. i was met with a pair of mesmerising pale blue eyes, making me question why she caught my attention.

she started moving her glossy lips, talking in a hushed tone, causing me to stare at them.

"hey, do you need a calculator?"

oh shit-
for chqteau xokavinsky fendigrayson
dolanstown inefablegray svnfuldols
cadiyn  perfecttdolan

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