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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧harper rose douglas✧✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
harper rose douglas
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

after yesterday afternoon, grayson drove me home safely. i had no homework to complete so i could just relax the rest of the day.

my mom is already home when i get back most days since she looks after my 6-year-old brother, noah, who gets back from his school before i do. my dad doesn't get back from work until around dinner.

the next morning, i was running extremely late since i overslept. i had no time to put on makeup, think long and hard about my outfit or do my hair properly.

so, i took a quick shower in under 5 minutes, threw on the closest hoodie and pair of mom jeans i could find before stuffing a breakfast bar in my mouth.

"good morning, honey!" mom greeted me in the kitchen cheerfully.
"yeah, hi," i replied in a monotone voice as i collected my school things together.

"noah has soccer practice straight after school so we won't be home until later tonight," she told me even though i was barely listening. i looked up at noah who was getting his chestnut brown hair brushed by mom's fingers.

he noticing i was staring too long and rudely stuck his tongue out at me. in return, i gave him a sarcastic smile.

"alright, well i have to leave now," i said, rushing out of the kitchen and to the front door.
"goodbye, honey!" mom called after me.

"bye, dad!" i shouted up the staircase, already out of the door and closing it before i heard his reply.


i checked my hair one last time in the mirror on the inside of my locker door. sighing, i closed it and turned around to walk to chemistry class.

even staring at the empty seats grayson and i sat at created butterflies in my stomach. i sat down, getting my equipment out and praying to god that grayson remembered to bring the project.

"alright, class!" the teacher peeled up, clapping her hands together to wake us all up.

i gulped, noticing that grayson still hadn't walked through the door. ethan was here, why wasn't grayson?

as the teacher continued talking about the project, she told us to tell her if we had the project or not so we could work on it in class. i started to get a bad feeling when she was going around the room, asking people.

i swallowed again.
"um, actually... my partner h–"

suddenly, grayson casually strolled into the classroom, hands stuffed in his black sweatpants.

"mr. dolan, what kind of late do you call this?"

grayson wandered over to our desk and sat down, putting his backpack on the floor. he gazed up at the clock and scrunched his lips to the side of his mouth as if he was thinking hard.

"uhh, i'd say about... 7 or 8 minutes late." people sniggered around the classroom much to the teacher's dismay. i coughed subtly to cover up my laugh.

"detention," she replied, going over to her desk to write it down. grayson rolled his eyes, unbothered, and got our project out from his bag. a small weight was lifted off my shoulders.

5 minutes later, we were allowed to carry on with the project with our partners.
"so, i was thinking that we don't have a lot left to do. we just really need to make the presentation a bit more appealing, you know?" i suggested, looking up at grayson.

he hummed, not making eye-contact. it was then that i realised he had barely acknowledged my presence since he walked in. no talking, no looking at me, no nothing.

i shook it off as it was probably nothing. then, my eyes trailer down to his plump lips that looked a little more pinker than usual. in fact, they had a faint smudge over them. like it was lipsti–

shaking that off too, i got back to work. there was a part where grayson needed to work a large sum out. he took my calculator from my hands, the exact one he used in the exam a few days back, and began typing the sum in.

and i don't know why, but that put a small smile on my lips.


for xokavinsky
because you love adorable fings 🥰

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