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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧harper rose douglas✧✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
harper rose douglas
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

my converse shoelace tapping against the hard floor as i walked, i entered chemistry class for third period.

as soon as i strolled in, my eyes were instantly locking in pair of dazzling hazel eyes, catching me off guard. i gave grayson a genuine smile as i was sitting down, only watching him give me a half-hearted one in return.

brushing it off, i sat down in my seat and my ears perked up at the sound of mrs lindsey talking about today's lesson.

"today we are moving onto a new topic which requires working on a project with a partner."

immediately, my eyes darted to meet lily's behind me where she smiled at me excitedly.

"unfortunately for you, you will have assigned partners," mrs lindsey explained, everyone groaning in the class, "this project will need to be completed for next monday."

i rolled my eyes and watched her grab a piece of paper on her desk. she started reading off names from the list, telling us who our partners were.

"lily and chloe, ethan and emma, johnny and spencer, jack and wendy..."

she continued reading off names, my anxiety rising higher as i waited for my name to be called.

"and lastly, harper and grayson."

butterflies suddenly started floating around in my stomach at the mention of my name next to grayson's. i turned around to which grayson was beckoning me over. everyone moved to sit with their new partners.

i walked over to the very back of the classroom, dropping myself into the desk next to grayson's where he gave me another half-hearted grin.

we started to talk about the project and what we were going to do. grayson has a few good ideas but seemed to drop them all after hearing mine.

"for this, i'll need a calculator, one sec," i announced, putting my hand up to ask the teacher to go to my locker.
"don't worry about it," i heard grayson speak. when i turned to face him, he slid over a calculator.

"congrats, you actually remembered one," i giggled, taking it and beginning to type a sum in.
"thank you. i guess i just have a great memory when it comes to calculators," grayson said, a few strands of his floppy hair falling into his forehead. i laughed lightly at his remark.

at the end of the lesson, the school bell rung loudly which made everyone start to pick their stuff up.

"so your place or mine?" grayson asked me. my stomach dropped at his words, making me confused.
"for the project, i mean!" grayson caught on, probably noticing my surprised face.

"oh! right, well do you have a free house tonight?" i asked him.
"wow, getting straight to the point there, aren't we, douglas?" grayson joked, folding his arms over his chest.

he wore a plain white tee which exposed his muscular biceps and his forearms which showed visible veins. i stumbled over my words for a second or two as my eyes were glued to them but i stopped myself.

"not like that," i replied while rolling my eyes playfully.
"my mom is out all night so we can do it at my house," grayson offered and i nodded in return. a/n: tehehe

i started to walk away from him to leave class but grayson grabbed my arm, stopping me.

"by the way, you should definitely wear blue more often. it brings out the color in your eyes."


i'm aware that's it's really cliché that i made them be partners for a class but it just goes well with the story, okay? okay.

for svnfuldols montagegrant <3

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