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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧harper rose douglas✧✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
harper rose douglas
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it was the first day back at school since grayson and i kissed. and damn, i felt like a new woman.

i've only told lily about what happened and her reaction was way too excitable for me to handle. i don't know if grayson has told anyone, probably just ethan, but i wouldn't be mad.

on this day, lily was late to school which meant i was alone during homeroom. i glanced up at the clock above the board. 8:35 am, give me a break. i laid my arms down on the desk and buried my head in them, wanting sleep to overcome me.

before i knew it, i was in history for first period, the exact same position i was in for homeroom. all of a sudden, the teacher spoke up, too loud for this early in the morning.

"class, we have a new student today." my head perked up at this.
"this is donnie... sorry what's your last name again, dear?" she asked, turning to him.

the guy gave her a smile, showing off his incredibly white teeth.
"donnie langdon."

the teacher carried on introducing him to the class, feeling sorry for him having to stand up in front of my intimidating class.

i took this chance to take a proper look at him: he was dressed in blue jeans that were folded up near his ankles, falling gently over his black converse. my eyes trailed over his collared, long-sleeved shirt which made me think, wow this guy actually has a good taste in fashion.

nevertheless, he was quite cute looking with his caramel-coloured glowing skin, curly black hair and soft green eyes. when his eyes travelled to meet eye contact with mine, he smiled shyly. i returned in the same way.

"there's a free space at the back there, you sit yourself down there." i turned around and noticed the seat was a row behind me to the left.

minutes passed. i turned around to steal a glance at the new kid to see him already delved into the work. the pen in his hand was writing whatever was in the board quickly and i noticed he now had glasses on.


it was lunch and i was about to meet lily in the library. i just needed to put some homework pieces in my locker.

i took the few sheets of paper out but suddenly i stopped. i haven't seen grayson at all today. should i meet him? tell him to meet me in the library with lily?

i continued to overthink as i put the sheets in my locker and flung my bag over my shoulder. maybe there's a reason i haven't seen him yet. maybe what he said was all bullshit. maybe–

"hey, you're harper, right?" a voice shocked me and broke me out from my daydreams. gasping, i turned and met a soft pair of emerald eyes.

"sorry, i didn't mean to scare you like that," the new kid said, showing off his pearly whites as he grinned.
"no, don't be. i was just– actually..." i cleared my throat anxiously, "y-yes, that's my name. harper."

way to give a great first impression. i wanted to smack my social anxiety in its face.
"donnie," he smiled back.
"do you need help with anything?" i asked, confused as to why he suddenly came up to me.

he ran his hand through his dark hair, ruffling it up.
"um, yeah... i was wondering if you could show me the way to the library?" donnie asked innocently and i smiled.

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grayson bailey dolan
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"i'm telling you. he's, like, really bookish and smart and kinda nerdy but all the girls seem to be swooning over him," ethan sighed, telling me about this new kid. danny, was his name?

we were walking through the corridors together, not really having a planned destination.
"he sounds kinda nice, to be honest," i admitted and ethan scoffed.
"don't be fooled. he looks like he could steal your girl in a heartbeat."

as soon as my brother said that, my eyes averted straight ahead of me to where harper was stood near her locker. i was so struck with how beautiful she was looking today, i didn't notice someone stood with her. talking with her.

"hey, look there's your girl right now," ethan teased, playfully punching me in the arm, "and she's talking with... hey bro, that's the new kid."

my heart rate started to pick up as my feet dragged me towards her. i was close enough for her to recognise me and her face brightened up with a toothy smile.

with no thinking, i leapt forward, cupping her small face in my hands and smashing my lips onto hers. it felt surreal, like it was happening in slow motion. i felt her adorable smile against my lips as her hands tangled in my hair.

it's like i could actually hear people gasp shockingly from all around us, almost feeling them nudge their friends in their sides and pointing at us.

but i didn't care. i was kissing her. and that's all i cared about.

i'm: soft

for dolanstown xokavinsky

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2020 ⏰

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