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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧harper rose douglas✧✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
harper rose douglas
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

the car ride to grayson's house was only about 15 minutes. i would've expected for there to maybe be an awkward silence settled between the pair of us but surprisingly, there wasn't really.

grayson and i spoke about the project mainly as the soft pop music played quietly over the radio.

there was one point when grayson was paying direct attention to driving and my eyes wandered over to him. his hands gripping the steering wheel, sometimes looking in the rear view mirror with furrowed eyebrows, gave me a weird feeling in my stomach.

his shirt had short sleeves, rolled up to show off his bulging biceps. i was unaware that i was staring for a while until grayson took a glance at me and smirked.

whilst looking at the road, he remarked, cockily, "take a picture, sweetheart, it will last longer."

lightly laughing, i rolled my eyes playfully, turning to the side so grayson couldn't see the pink tint colouring my cheeks.

when we arrived, i admired grayson's house from the outside - it was an extremely homely and lovely house. he parked his turquoise bronco in the drive-way and i got out to follow him to the front porch.

as we entered through the front door, i immediately got a sweet scent of lavender filling my senses. i smiled small, taking in the sight of the stairway to upstairs and the doors surrounding me.

i followed grayson through to the kitchen where he was already at the refrigerator, pulling out a large bottle of orange juice.

"want some?" he asked, turning to face me.
"yes, please," i replied politely, sitting myself down at a stool on the middle island.

i watched him pour me a small glass and pass me it where i instantly took a few sips. minutes later, a faraway voice echoed closer to us.

"hey, bro, i'm gonna go n–"

suddenly, a boy with very similar looks to grayson popped his head around the corner, a lacrosse stick held in his left land. i knew him to be ethan dolan, grayson's twin brother.

grayson and i both turned to him at the same time which caused ethan to stop in his tracks.

"what's the nerd doing here?" ouch.
"harper is here for a project, that's all," grayson replied, drinking his orange juice.

ethan rolled his eyes and ran a hand through his long locks.
"whatever, i'm going to practice now so see you later."

grayson nodded, said goodbye to his brother and looked at me after we heard he door shut.

"i'm really sorry about him, you are just gonna have to ignore him," grayson told me and fake smiled. i'm used to it at this point.
"it's fine, really," i said, noticing grayson's sad eyes, "plus, you don't have to apologise on his behalf."

grayson shrugged his shoulders and sighed whilst putting the orange juice back in the refrigerator.

"anyways, i thought you were the captain of the lacrosse team?" i asked to which grayson shook his head.
"nah, co-captain," grayson corrected and i nodded along, "i'm captain of the football team."

he then threw an imaginary ball through the air swiftly, sighing loudly and i giggled at his actions.

"yeah, you can tell."


around 10 minutes later, we decided to start working on the project in grayson's room.

once we entered, i was shocked to get a smell of earthy cologne and lavender once again. i don't know what i was expecting, to be honest, grayson is just a teenage boy after all.

"you can work on the desk, i'll take the bed," grayson informed, "unless you wanna sit on the floor together?"
"yeah, we can do that," i responded as i sat cross-legged on the soft, dark grey carpet and grayson sat opposite me.

whilst he was flipping through the pages of the AP chemistry textbook, i took this opportunity to look around his bedroom.

grayson's room was surprisingly neat and tidy, apart from a plain white shirt on the ground and an empty can of coca-cola on his bedside table. his bed was made nicely, with a not-so subtle playboy magazine stuffed under one of his pillows.

"ok, so, i thought if we took your idea of putting the different types of chemical bonds in one category and the diagrams in the other?" grayson suggested with a raised eyebrow.

a half hour passed of us reading, writing notes and organising. i was in the middle of drawing an ionic bond diagram when i felt a strong sense of somebody's eyes on mine.

i barely looked up and could spot grayson staring at me from the corner of my eye. a bundle of nerves fly through my body as i took a deep breath to calm myself.

"take a picture, it will last longer, sweetheart," i managed to choke up confidently, looking straight at grayson.

unlike me, he didn't blush or roll him eyes, he simply smirked at my comment, lingering on my eyes for a few more seconds before going back to his notebook.

how does he do it?


we were back down in the kitchen, eating cheeto's, when grayson spoke up.

"you know, i should probably get your number so i can call you if we need to study together again," he said and i smiled.
"yeah, okay."

i walked over to grayson where he gave me his phone for me to put my number in. naming my contact harper from chem, i also sent a message to myself so i could add grayson's contact easier.

i gave him his phone back and watched him observe the new contact.

"thanks a lot, harper from chem."


and i oop-
for perfecttdolan dolskitty ilyyyy

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