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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧harper rose douglas✧✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
harper rose douglas
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

the next day, i was walking through the corridors of the school to homeroom, minding my own business.

i was about to open the door to the classroom and i heard my name being called by a unfamiliar voice.

"hey, you! harper, is it?"

i turned, heart dropping down to my ass, and saw the same blonde that had her tongue down grayson's throat the other day.

when she was up close, i recognised her to be chloe sanders. the head cheerleader, the most popular and hottest girl in school.

"y-yeah," i replied, trying not to show any fear but failed miserably. she flung her golden locks over her bare shoulder, causing me to look at her outfit. a neon pink tube top and blue denim shorts? how the fuck has she not been dress coded?

strangely, chloe started laughing like a maniac, making my eyebrows furrow in confusion.

"you know, my friend apparently saw you get in my boyfriend's, grayson's, car yesterday. and i just had the hardest time believing that." oh no.

i cleared my throat.
"w-well i don't know what to tell you, it happened," i told her and her eyebrows raised. chloe wrapped her arms around her chest, causing her cleavage to be exposed.

"well, i hope you get this into your head. grayson does not like you like that and never will. so i suggest you keep away from me and him unless you want this to get out of hand," she threatened and i swallowed softly, hoping she wouldn't see.

"trust me, i know grayson doesn't like me like that, and i don't like him either..." butterflies flew in my stomach, "... besides, he was just driving me home."

"i'll believe that when i see it, nerd," she finished before strutting away. i inhaled deeply before walking into homeroom.


✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
grayson bailey dolan
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

"see you later, babe," chloe whispered in my ear before kissing under it. she swayed her hips as she walked away to her next class.  i walked in the opposite direction to chemistry class.

after yesterday when i dropped harper off, i regretted everything i said about her being a nerd or whatever. she's not a geek or a dork, she's the most intelligent girl i know and i should've congratulated her for that. i was such a jerk, of course i'm not embarrassed to be seen with her!

the late bell sounded suddenly, bringing me back to reality. i walked through, hoping mrs lindsey didn't realise i was 5 minutes late. but it was only 5 minutes, what could i have missed in 5 minutes?

when i looked around the class, i was completely unfamiliar with the seating arrangement. that's when i realised we had a new seating plan which meant i wasn't sat with harper anymore.

johnny lowe, one of my best friends, was waving at me from the back, pointing to the empty stool next to him. a grin formed on my face as i strolled over and sat down.

"why miss let us sit together is beyond me, but not too bad, huh?" he smirked and i nodded, scanning the room, looking for harper. she was sat on the row in front of me but to the right of the room whilst i was in the left, next to her friend. lily, is it?

i really wanted to talk to her and apologise for what i said yesterday but now i can't. that's when an idea popped into my head.

i took my phone out from my back jean pocket and searched for harper's contact. harper from chem.

after i sent a simple message, i heard a vibration from the other side of the room, apparently only harper and i heard it, and she looked down to her phone screen.

grayson | harper

hey, i really need
to talk to you

can it wait?

please, i didn't
know the seating
would change


what is it?

i'm really really
sorry for what i
said yesterday

uh huh sure

i really mean it
i was a dick and
i'm so sorry

it's fine

no it's not, you
don't deserve to
be called that just
because you are
smarter than
everyone else

i doubt that

you're smarter
than anyone i've
ever known

thanks gray

no problem

so are we ok

yeah i guess

i looked up from my phone to see harper already look straight at me. i smiled at her warmly and she shyly smiled back in return.

cuties 🥺
for perfecttdolan xokavinsky

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