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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧grayson bailey dolan✧✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
grayson bailey dolan
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

"hey, baby," chloe greeted in a sickening high-pitched tone.
"hi," i replied in a monotone voice. she attempted to kiss me but i turned my head and told her to follow me to the living room.

mom and cameron have gone out shopping and ethan was at lacrosse practice, so it was just me and chloe alone.

"we need to talk," i said, sitting down on the couch.
"what about?"


✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
harper rose douglas
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

i exploded into laughter, trying to keep quiet, watching the infamous pivot scene from friends. suddenly, my phone vibrated from the side of me. i picked it up and rolled my eyes and smiled at the caller id.

grayson dolan is calling... what is it now?

"grayson, it's two in the morning," i said once i clicked on the green accept button.
"i'm aware of that... just— just come outside... please," he replied, sounding exhausted. i swallowed and felt bad for being so firm.

"sure, gray. i'll be one minute." i hung the phone up, not asking any questions. hopefully he'll answer them soon.

i grabbed the nearest shoes i could find and dusted my grey sweatpants down, hands shaking. i was careful not to wake any of my family up as i tip-toed down the stairs. i do this way too often. sooner or later, i was outside and closed the door behind me.

on the sidewalk, grayson's blue porsche was parked, grayson inside it. eyebrows furrowed, i crept closer and he got out of the car.

"gray, what's wrong? is it cameron? ethan? are you o—"
"i broke up with chloe," he interrupted me and i stopped in my tracks.

whilst i was thinking over what he just said, i examined his face close to mine. ruffled and floppy hair. puffy under-eye bags. lazy sweatpants and shirt. but nevertheless, he looked really handsome.

"you did— wh— you—" i literally had no idea what to say back.
"you're probably wondering why i'm telling you this. at 2 am. out of the blue," he said whilst running his hand through his chestnut brown locks.

"um... sorta," i shyly replied, reaching forward to tuck a piece of hair that fell over my eyes behind my ear. but grayson put his hand up and did it for me, caressing my cheek after.

"harper, she admitted it. she told me everything," grayson out his hand down, a cold rush of air attaching to the place his hand was on my face.

"it's been going on for about a 3 weeks now. i wouldn't be surprised if they continue to carry it on now i'm out of the way... god, i'm so stupid."

he slouched and sat down on the brick wall outside the front garden of my house. quickly, i sat down beside him, grabbing his hand.

"stop, you're not stupid. don't ever call yourself that," i whispered, his eyes not moving from our intertwined hands.

i started to let go, getting the idea that he was uncomfortable, but before i did, he squeezed it slightly and closed his eyes.

"i have no idea what chloe was thinking. i mean, why would anyone even dream of cheating on you? the famous grayson dolan. everybody loves you, thinks you're attractive, funny, smart, athletic. if anything, she's the stupid one. she looks like a idiot now," i rambled on. grayson's eyes were now open and gazing at me with a side-smirk.

this time, i was the one to look away and over the street to where a black and white cat was crossing the road. it wandered on a few steps before stopping to lick its paw. i smiled to myself, the only thing keeping me warm being my hand held by grayson.

"and then what did you say to her?" i cleared my throat after a few seconds of silence. i turned to look at him and a few strands of his floppy hair were flying from his forehead in the breeze.

"i said that i hope she has a nice life with johnny, no matter how long it lasts..." i nodded and told him no more than a week. he laughed at that.
"and then i said that this whole situation made me realise how i was looking for the wrong girl."

my eyebrows furrowed in confusion but followed along anyway.

"i said that i always had this feeling i didn't belong with her. i belonged with somebody else. but i only truly realised today who i belonged to be with."

my heart skipped a beat. i felt my cheeks heat up, hopefully he couldn't see in the dark. either i look like the luckiest girl in the world or a complete clown.

"that person is you, harper," the words finally left his plump lips, "you make me happy then she ever did. then she ever will."

"grayson, are you serious?" i replied with which probably wasn't what he wanted to hear. i just needed to make sure i was dreaming.

without saying anything, grayson licked his lips and put his hand back on my cheek, leaning in. his lips touched mine, a different feeling of butterflies fluttering in my stomach. my hands cupped his face, feeling the rough edges of his jaw.

utter bliss and bittersweet energy was surrounded all around us as his fingers moved behind my ear, under my hair whilst his thumb still lingered on my cheek.

grayson deepened the kiss by putting his other hand on my waist and skilfully adding his tongue. i giggled softly in his mouth, causing him to smile.

"what?" he asked, pulling away and chuckling.
"i'm just thinking: would this have ever happened if you needed a calculator on that exam day?" i responded, my hands still cupping his face as his laid on my waist.

"i don't know. but i'm glad ethan made me forget to bring it," grayson smiled cheekily and i giggled.

he leant forward to kiss me again. i carved a smile into it, feeling his kisses travel from my lips down my jawline.

"by the way, did you actually say to chloe about you never realising until today who you belonged to be with?" i choked out, hardly being able to breathe with grayson peppering kisses all over my neck.

grayson chuckled again, lifting his head up and smiling wide.
"of course not. now shut up and kiss me."

me 🤝 making cringe confession chapters

for fendigrayson thctsuki

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