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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧harper rose douglas✧✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
harper rose douglas
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

untangling my earphones, i put both of them in my ear and put on some music as i walked home the next day.

i feel like i have quite a diverse music taste, i like some from the pop charts but i also like songs that my parents listened to from the 80s. i like those kind of songs because i grew up to them. but i also like indie songs such as tame impala. my music taste is all over the place but i like it that way.

walking down the streets of new jersey, i went the usual route to my house which was along the main road. suddenly, a bright baby blue porsche pulled up by the side of me.

naturally, i picked up my pace and my heart began to pump quickly. oh my god, i'm gonna get kidnapped. then, i heard a window roll down.

"where you headed?" a familiar voice sounded, making me turn. it was grayson driving the car. he has two cars? swallowing the lump in my throat, i continued to walk, him slowly following my pace.

"home," i replied, loud enough for him to see me from the other side of the car.
"do you want a ride, your house is pretty far from here?"

"no, thank you," i said quite harshly, not really sure why.
"come on, harper, now i've seen you i can't just leave you," grayson persuaded. i started to slow down before coming to a complete stop, just like grayson did.

i turned to him to see him raising his eyebrows and smirking cheekily.
"fine," i said, giving in.

i opened the passenger seat door and sat down, dropping my bag by my feet. grayson pressed play on his music, day n nite by kid cudi instantly resuming. i grinned to myself.

"i knew you couldn't resist this pretty face," grayson said once the song had finished. rolling my eyes, i smiled.

"you shouldn't be so sure of that, maybe i just didn't want to walk so far."
"yeah, you keep telling yourself that, sweetheart," grayson responded, making my eyebrows raise. sweetheart.

a few moments passed and i noticed grayson was only a few blocks away from my house. i wondered if i should ask him about that time he blatantly ignored me all class. fuck it.

"remember that one time a few days ago when we were in chemistry," i started, grayson nodding along, "and you didn't really talk to me? yeah, what was that all about?"

i watched him swallow hard, looking off into the distance.
"i don't know, i wasn't really in a talking mood."
"grayson," i said, lowering my tone.

he turned to me once, looking deep into my eyes. he sighed and but his eyes back on the road. we were on my street.

"you know, i didn't really want to be seen with yo- not like you're... you know, you're just a bit smarter than everyone else and i-" grayson started but i interrupted him once i got the idea.

"alright, got it." at this point, grayson was already parked outside of my house. i took this opportunity to storm out of his car and walk to my front porch.

"harper!" i heard him shout from his window but i was already inside the house and slammed the door shut. i should've never asked. 

grayson thinks i'm a nerd, a know-it-all, the weird girl nobody talks to. he thinks of me as the geeky girl that sits next to him in chemistry.

he doesn't think of me as his friend. he doesn't even want to be seen with me. so why did i think he could ever like me?

for xokavinsky dolanstown

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