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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧grayson bailey dolan✧✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
grayson bailey dolan
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

"hey, gray," johnny's voice rang through my head, instantly bringing me back to reality me up, "why do you always hang around with that nerdy girl?"

i peered at my best friend from behind my locker door with furrowed eyebrows and a scowl.

"she's not a nerd," i defended, turning back.
"yeah, she is," ethan butted in, fixing his red-streaked hair in my locker mirror, "you're always with her."

"i'm not!" i practically shouted, causing ethan and johnny's eyebrows to raise. rolling my eyes, i carried on.

"okay, maybe i'm with her all the time but it's because she's a really nice girl and good company."
"grayson, don't you have a girlfriend?" johnny asked.

i swallowed hard and started nodding my head.
"well, duh," i responded as we started walking to the cafeteria, "maybe you should actually give her a chance. she's super nice once you get to know her."

"i'll pass," ethan said by the left of me. sighing, i rolled my eyes at my twin brother's behavior. well, i tried.


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harper rose douglas
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lily loves drama. and i'm not talking about arguments or anything, i'm literally talking about drama. acting. performing arts. well actually, lily loves the other kind of drama too.

anyway, she always puts her name down for the school plays and because she's so talented, she always gets the lead roles.

i walked into the theatre room, instantly spotting lily up on the school stage with a script in her hand. i sat down on the third row from the front on a red velvet chair.

lily spotted me and i gave her a small smile and wave when he made eye contact. she gave me a smile back but not too obvious or her drama teacher would've killed her for being distracted.

i took my hoodie off since i was very hot and put it on the empty seat in front of me. the only people sat in the audience was myself, two teachers watching the performance at the front and a group of three friends a few rows behind me.

suddenly, a figure appeared from beside me and my stomach dropped.
"hey, can i sit?" it was ethan dolan.

shocked to see him here, i stuttered back a reply.

he sat down in the comfy, velvet seat next to me and turned to face me, a weak smile written on his lips.

"hi, so first of all, i'm sorry for calling you a nerd when you were with grayson the other day. it was wrong of me and i totally get it if you hate me for it-"
"i don't hate you," i butted in, a warm smile on my face. ethan's smile widened at my comment and continued.

"that's good. anyways, grayson always talks about how much of an amazing person you are and i thought... i thought maybe i should trust him on that," ethan explained and i grinned at him. grayson talks to him about me?

"wow, he really said that?" i asked.
"yuh-huh," ethan replied in a duh tone, "he always said how he never should have judged you at first."

i looked down and smiled whilst fiddling with fingers.
"i have to admit, i did judge you guys at first. you know, captains of the lacrosse and football teams, most popular guys in school..."
"yeah, we get that a lot," ethan said, threading his hand through his hair. this caused me to avert my eyes to it, drawn to the bright color streak.

"i like your hair," i said, giving him a friendly compliment.
"really? i hated it at first but now i'm getting used to it," ethan admitted. i noticed that it matched the red hoodie he wore.

then, there was a small applause from the front of the stage where lily and the boy she was doing a scene with were bowing. minutes later, lily was making her way over to me and ethan.

"hi, today's rehearsal is over," she announced, mainly looking at me before her eyes wandered over to ethan next to me. she had a look of confusion on her face, probably wondering why ethan dolan was talking to me.

"ethan, this is lily, my best friend," i cleared my throat, introducing them to one another.
"hey, aren't you in my math class?" ethan asked her as she sat down in the seat in front of us. she started nodding her head and tucking a stray piece of pink hair behind her ear.

"yep, who wouldn't want to be in our math? mr wells is the best teacher ever," she sarcastically joked and ethan laughed.
"mr wells is such a bad teacher," ethan grinned.

i smiled at the pair getting on really well with each other. 10 minutes had passed and the bell rang, signalling fourth period.

we started to walk out of the theatre room when i realised i forgot i left my hoodie.

"you guys go ahead, i'm just gonna go my hoodie i left," i told lily and ethan. they nodded their heads as i turned back around.

the room was quiet, slightly dark but light enough for me to spot my hoodie by the front. i strolled over to it and picked it up, pulling it over my head.

suddenly, i heard a girlish giggle from behind the stage curtain, followed by several kissing noises. hiding behind a pillar close to the exit, two people walked out from behind the curtain and jumped off the stage, hand in hand.

at first, i smiled because they were a couple but my smile disappeared when i realised who it was.

chloe sanders and johnny lowe, grayson's girlfriend and best friend.

my stomach dropped as i saw johnny place a streamy kiss on chloe's neck, chloe's lower lip catching in between her teeth. i decided that this was my opportunity to get the hell out of there, my heart beat racing under my chest.

holy fucking shit.

i've been so obsessed with tik tok someone help me
for chqteau xokavinsky

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