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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧grayson bailey dolan✧✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
grayson bailey dolan
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

i sat down at a desk at the back of the chemistry class, lifting myself from the chair to pull it under the table with my legs.

my eyes wandered to the door at the front where the girl from the exam walked in. she set her bag down on the chair, turning around to get her chemistry book. as i watched her, i realised i left my book at home, making me roll my eyes at myself.

the girl looked up from her bag, eyes immediately locking with mine. surprised, my stomach dropped and i looked away quickly, only to stare back at her again. she gave me a heartwarming grin which caused me to return one of mine.

she was wearing a white, wooly sweater with a black denim skirt to match her black converse. before she turned around to sit, she flicked her long, golden brown hair over her shoulder effortlessly. 

harper rose douglas

walking out of chemistry class, i made my way down the stairs and to my locker in the hallway. i opened it, put my english book in my bag for next period, then closed it. suddenly, a tall figure stood over me, causing my eyes to widen in shock.

"sorry, didn't mean to scare you," he chuckled in a low voice. why and how the hell is grayson dolan stood by my locker?

"it's okay," i laughed nervously, pulling my sweater sleeve over my hand and fiddling with it.

"what's your name again?" grayson asked me, tilting his head to the side like a cute puppy.
"i-it's harper douglas," i stumbled over my words as his eyes strangely softened.

"well, harper douglas, here's your calculator. thank you for letting me use it," he said, handing me my navy blue calculator.
"oh, you're welcome, i forgot i gave you it," i giggled, taking it and opening my locker to put it in.

"how'd you do on the exam?" i asked him curiously and he cleared his throat, looking to his side then back at me.
"yeah, pretty well, better than i thought," grayson explained and i nodded along.

"so, why were you not in yesterday?"
"i was just a little sick, nothing too serious. why? were you looking for me?" i smiled, tucking a stray piece of my hair behind my ear.
"well," he replied, "i wasn't gonna steal your calculator, that's just unfair."

i laughed lightly at his words. often, i'd notice that grayson would keep looking to his left and right as if he was looking out for somebody. my eyebrows furrowed at his peculiar actions but shook it off when he turned to face me again.

"anyway, i'll see you around, harper," grayson smirked, empathising on my name, and started to walk backwards. i gave him a small wave before i watched him stroll down the hallway.

when he was out of sight, i sighed out loud, smiling down at the calculator in my locker. closing the cold, metal door, i turned and headed to the library to go see lily.


idk what to say dO yOu LiKe ThE sToRy So FaR¿?
for dolanstown & dolanstown only

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