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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧grayson bailey dolan✧✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
grayson bailey dolan
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

pulling up outside harper's house, i closed the door to my bronco and knocked on her door. thankfully, she opened it and her eyes suddenly widened.

"grayson," she spoke in a surprised tone, "what are you doing here?"

she stepped out from her house and closed the door.
"if my dad knows you're here, he will literally beat your a-"
"i'm just here to take you out," i interrupted.

harper furrowed her eyebrows and looked at me like i had two heads.
"not like that," i clarified and her face relaxed, "just to make up for being a dick yesterday. my treat."

harper looked back at her door.
"i don't know, my dad is so overprotective of me..." she trailed off.
"then just say it's lily taking you out," i suggested and she rolled her eyes.

after some hesitation, she told me to go wait in the car while she went to go tell her parents. around 5 minutes later, i watched her walk towards my car as a smile creeped on my face unknowingly.

"alright, let's go quickly," she ordered once she sat in the passenger seat.


we ended up heading to a cute little diner off the freeway.

as soon as we stepped foot into the diner, the bell rang at the top of the door and soft 80s music sounded my ears. the smell of hotdogs and burgers filled my senses, making my stomach rumble hungrily.

we sat down at a red leather booth by the window, looking out to the almost empty parking lot where my bronco was parked.

"this is cute," harper smiled, gazing at the multicoloured LED lights on all the walls.
"it is," i agreed, looking at her from underneath the bright purple tint.

we looked at the menu straight away, deciding on getting simple strawberry and vanilla milkshakes. it took barely 5 minutes before they arrived at our table with white and red striped straws.

"so grayson dolan," harper started, taking a sip of her strawberry milkshake, "we've been... acquaintances with each other for about 2 weeks but i don't actually know a lot about you."

i nodded in agreement and i cleared my throat.
"i'm an open book, what do you wanna know?" i asked her and she knitted her eyebrows together as if in deep thought.

"do you have any siblings other than ethan?" she questioned.
"one sister, cameron, she's at college," i replied and she nodded, "we're pretty close, i mean, we talk on the phone pretty much every week. and she's coming over this weekend."

"oh, that's good."
"i think you'd get on with her quite well, you know," i admitted as harper's eyebrows raised.
"you think?"

i swallowed my milkshake as i nodded.
"for sure, she's top of the class, has the same music taste as you, she'd love you," i told her, watching her face light up with her adorable smile.

"any more questions?"
she sipped her milkshake and looked off into the distance to think.

"um... what's your... favourite... colour?" she sighed. i arched my eyebrow.

"just answer it, ass clown, i'll think of a better question," harper giggled and i rolled my eyes playfully.

when i looked back at her, the neon lights changed to a turquoise color. the faded light shone off her face, making me stop in my tracks. all my attention was on her eyes. her pale, mesmerising, beautiful eyes. and the colour of her irises - ocean blue - stood out amongst any other eye color i've ever seen.

"uhh... blue," i said quietly after clearing my throat again.
"boring!" she responded in a sing-song voice and i smiled sheepishly.


y'all better not come for me because i didn't say grayson's favourite colour was green 😠

for chqteau inefablegray

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