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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧harper rose douglas✧✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
harper rose douglas
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

nothing is better than a friday night when you have no homework to do over the weekend. in fact, since i got in from school, all i've done is watch netflix shows and eat my whole heart out.

i was in the middle of a friends episode when i heard my phone started vibrating on my bedside table. confused, i checked the time on my macbook. 3:47 am, who the hell is calling me? i pressed pause, reached out for my phone and read the caller id.

grayson dolan is calling...

butterflies floated in my stomach just by reading his name. reluctantly, i pressed on the green accept button and held my phone to my ear.

"grayson?" i whispered, careful to not wake up my parents or noah.
"oh, hey harper!" grayson practically screamed followed by a cute giggle, "h-how are you on this fine even..."

furrowing my eyebrows, i grew even more confused at the way grayson was acting.

"gray, are you drunk?"
"i'm not... not drunk," he slurred, causing me to smile.
"why are you calling me?" i asked.
"so get this... harper, get this... i'm at johnny's house a-and he just had a sick party, but my ride left so..." he dragged on his sentence, making me understand where he was coming from.

"and you want me to pick you up?" i sighed, rubbing my hand over my face.
"yes, please," grayson begged, getting a mental image of him pouting in my mind. i exhaled loudly.

"grayson, do you have any idea what time it is?"
"pretty please?" he begged me again and i sighed.
"fine, where are you?"

grayson sleepily told me the address, well told half of the address but i got the idea, it wasn't that far away. i carefully put on some black converse and dusted down my grey sweatpants. i cant believe i'm actually doing this.

quietly as i could, i sneaked down the stairs and grabbed my keys on the kitchen counter. then, i silently closed the door and within a matter of seconds, i was already in my car and driving off to grayson's destination.


i saw grayson stood outside, kicking a stone and wandering around lazily. i beeped my horn, amusing myself, and he practically jumped ten feet.

then a smile crept onto his face, waving at me. i waved back at him to keep him happy.

"heyyy!" grayson slurred, dragging on his words, "i've been waiting for youuu!"
"i know, i'm gonna take you back to your place, yeah?" i clarified, watching grayson crawl into the passenger seat. once he sat down, i leant over to put his seatbelt on.

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