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Harry, Sally, and Ron - with Pettigrew's wand - walked toward the main room as Dobby walked off in another direction

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Harry, Sally, and Ron - with Pettigrew's wand - walked toward the main room as Dobby walked off in another direction. As Ron stepped past the lifeless Snatcher without a glance, Harry followed with the snitch trailing after him. Bellatrix was towering over Griphook, who was holding the sword, studying it. Hermione laid at Bellatrix's feet. Sally walked further, but Harry restrained her.

"Well?" Bellatrix impatiently asked.

"I left Gringotts employ many weeks ago, but when I was last in your vault, the sword was there," Griphook responded.

Hermione watched as a strand of Bellatrix's hair floated through the air and landed on Hermione's shirt.

"Perhaps it just walked out on its own then," Bellatrix mused.

"There is no place safer than Gringotts, Madam Lestrange," Griphook responded.

"Liar! You can't deceive me!" Bellatrix screeched.

As Hermione looked away from the hair, Bellatrix slashed the dagger across Griphook's cheek and a deep gash opened. He barely flinched, the hint of a smile on his lips. Bellatrix looked mildly unnerved by his reaction.

"Consider yourself lucky, Goblin. The same won't be said for this one."

Bellatrix poised the dagger over Hermione. Sally started singing softly, causing Bellatrix's movements to slow. Ron and Harry were very confused, but Sally tapped Ron on the thigh repeatedly.

Ron shouted, "Expelliarmus!"

Bellatrix's dangling wand shot free and into Harry's hand.

"Stupefy!" Harry exclaimed.

Lucius Malfoy dropped instantly, his wine glass shattering in a burgundy bloom on the hearth. Narcissa and Draco struggled to draw their wands. Harry and Ron watched their fingers flinch, but their hands would not move.

"It's Sally, mate," Ron whispered.

"Stop - Stop or she dies!" Bellatrix threatened. "And you - stop singing."

They all froze. Hermione was leaning limply against Bellatrix with the dagger at her throat.

"Drop your wands," she commanded.

None of them did.

"I said drop them!" she shouted.

Ron flung Pettigrew's wand away. Harry dropped Bellatrix's wand.

"Pick them up, Draco. Now! Well, well, look what we have here. Harry Potter. All bright, shiny and new again. Just in time for the Dark Lord."

Harry glanced in the mirror. The Stinging Jinx was wearing off.

"Call him, Draco," Bellatrix demanded.

Draco hesitated, but Lucius didn't. He pulled up his sleeve and touched his finger to the Dark Mark on his forearm. Harry's scar constricted and he grimaced in agony. Bellatrix cackled maniacally, her knife pressed against the tender flesh of Hermione's neck. A squeaking noise could be heard from above. Everyone glanced up as the chandelier began to tremble. The chandelier burst free of the ceiling and plummeted down where Bellatrix and Hermione were. Bellatrix bolted out of the way and Hermione staggered away, falling into Sally's embrace as Griphook grabbed the sword. Glass exploded in razor-sharp slivers. Draco screamed and covered his bloody face.

Harry grabbed a wand, pointed it at Lucius and shouted, "Stupefy!"

Lucius flew off his feet and dropped in a heap.

"You dirty little monkey! You could have killed me!" Bellatrix screeched.

Dobby stood fearlessly across from her, defiant. "Dobby meant only to maim or seriously injure, not kill."

"For God's sake, Cissy, you've got a wand! Use it!" Bellatrix ordered.

Narcissa hesitated.


Dobby waved his little fist and Narcissa's wand flew from her hand.

"How dare you take a witch's wand? How dare you defy your masters?" Bellatrix asked.

"Dobby has no master. Dobby is a free elf, and Dobby has come to save Harry Potter and his friends!"

Harry tossed Ron a wand, grabbed Hermione's beaded bag and joined the others in the center of the room.

"Give the Dark Lord our regards?" Harry spat out.

Harry's hand closed on Dobby's hand and the drawing room began to spin. Bellatrix's face twisted into an ugly blur. She raised her arm with a dagger in her hand. There was a glint of silver, then they Disapparated.

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