Prayer Group

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Emerson High School is housed in a very old building. Build right after the second world war, it is a solid brick building with three stories and, staircases with metal raisings. It sounds like a herd of wild beasts are loose between classes. No elevators so, the students got their exercise, whether they needed it or not.

There are no open lunches at good ole' Emerson. So, all the students meet in the cafeteria between 11 and 12. It is here that Josiah discovers that Sarah and Beth aren't in school. They usually sit together with three others.  Julia,  a sweet, tiny Junior who attends some of Beth and Sarah's classes. Tim, a very high functioning Down Syndrome boy of 16 who shares their love for the Lord. And, Abe, who is the captain of the football team and head tenor in his church's youth choir.

What they all share is a love and devotion to each other and God. They just don't say grace, they have a small prayer group each lunch hour.

"Hey guys," Josiah greets them," where is Sarah and Beth?"

"We don't know. Haven't heard anything." Replies Julia. "Do any of you guys know?"

"Nope," replies Tim," But I pray they are okay." Abe says amen.

"Okay, well lets pray for them, for whatever is going on. That Abba's will, will be done and overshadow them." Request Josiah. They all join hands, lifted them to heaven, and prayed blessings over the food and their friends.

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