Checking In

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They head to the third floor. Room 316. The third floor iis the cancer floor. As they exit the elevator, they see patients with hats and scarves on their bald heads. Sarah holds tight to Beth's hand and she gives her a reasuring hug.  Sarah hears her daddy swallow hard and she wonders what memories are going through his head.

They make their way to room 316 and find a very sweet nurse waiting.

"Hello Sarah," she greets them," and you must be Beth and, of course, Mr Rose."

"James please."

"James it is. I am Melinda and I will be Sarah's nurse tonight."

"Nice to meet you," Sarah politely responds.

"Okay James and Beth, I need you to step out for a little while as I get Sarah checked-in."

They give Sarah tight hugs and slip out.

"I have to take your vitals sweetie," Melinda tells her after directing her into the horrible hospital gown. Sarah makes a note to have her daddy bring her a set of pj's from home. "We will start by taking your temperature and blood pressure. Please hold out your hand so we can get your pulse oxygen level. It measures the amount of oxygen in your blood." She explains. "Very good. Your blood pressure is 110/60. 100% oxygen saturation. And your temperature is 97.8."

"Cool. So I can go home.

"I really wish you could. This is a hard thing. That sense of humor will help. Now, I must ask you some questions. What is your full name?

"Sarah Leah Rose.""

"Your date of birth?"

"July 8th 1998."

And it continues. She asks full health history of Sarah, her parents, and grandparents.

"Do you do drugs, smoke, or drink? What is your religion affiliation, if any? In violence iin your home?"

"No, Southern Baptist, and no."

And continues. And continues. Finally it was done. She gets Sarah settled in bed with a remote that controls the tv, bed, and calls the nurse.

"I have to start an IV now." She then informs her.

"Why?" She protests," my vitals are good."

"Sorry sweetie. Around here it is what is called SOP. Standard operating procedure." She presents her arm with a sigh. She is gentle and takes the blood for the tests that Uncle Eric has ordered, before hanging the saline. After taping the needle into place she says," That is all for now sweetie. Push the call botton if you need me. Dietary will be by soon with your supper. I will let your folks know they can come back in."

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