Night Kissed

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Chou Tzuyu.

I hate that name.

It's the name my parents gave me, the name that they labeled me for as long as I lived. The name they thought they were so proud of for coming up with, the name that they were so ecstatic to give their newborn baby daughter.

But in the end, I didn't matter as much as I did in the beginning.

Which was exactly why I was currently stuck in a highly secured prison compound in Korea, instead of my stupid brother who really deserved to be in here.

He was the one that had committed all the crimes, the one who had stolen and burned and assaulted every single day.

He had been the one to go to trial, the one sentenced to be too young for prison, and instead had been sentenced to 100 days of jailor work.

But it was me who had been thrown in here instead. A seventeen year old teenager, missing her entire summer just to spend it in this cold, dreary prison.

I hated my brother. I hated my mother. I hated my family.

The jailor hands me a ring of keys as he tries to keep his uncontrollable smile away. After all, he had just found out that a young girl was filling in and that he was off work for a full 100 days.

What a jerk.

He doesn't even try to hide the smile anymore as he leads me down the long aisle full of prisoners, introducing me to each and every one of them.




The crimes he lists off gets more severe in degree as he goes further down the terrifying hallway. And I didn't know if it was just my paranoia, but it also seemed to get darker and colder as we went down.

When we reach the very end of the hall, my eyes land on a cell completely isolated from the rest of the others.

The jailor's lips curl in a scorning snarl as he waves his hand dismissively towards the darkness, set apart behind thick, heavy bars.

With the single lightbulb hanging from the ceiling, I see half of the prisoner's body illuminated dimly.

He's slumped on the ground, breathing low and heavy as his dark eyes glimmer hatefully towards my direction. He looks surprisingly young, face so full with youth it shocks me.

"That's V. Only name we could get out of it. Looks cute and innocent on the outside, right? It's the devil's own son right there. A monster in human form."

His head suddenly tilts, revealing his piercing dark eyes even in further detail. His hair cascades down his forehead in dark strands, brushing his light-toned skin.

My pulse races when I see his lips stretch taut in distaste, his glittering irises giving away nothing.

What had he done to deserve this?

"Anyways, don't try to get close to it." The jailor warns as he kicks the bars of the prison. V doesn't flinch in the slightest, his face still shadowed.

Why was he keep referring to him as it? He was still a human being, no matter what he'd done!

"Are you listening?" He snaps, and I nod quickly, wincing. That wasn't a good example at all.

The jailor gives me a withering look before continuing his dull description. "It's diagnosed with PPD, which is basically Possessive Personality Disorder. Haphephobia. And possible nyctophobia, which is why you have to keep the light on at all times."

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