Love Marking

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My entire body freezes as memories of the burning building fills my mind.

I can't look at him.

I can't.

A heavy groan escapes his lips, and chills travel down my spine when I realize he's feeling the pain from his burns. Even though five of the twenty IV drips piercing his skin were heavy painkillers, he was still feeling it.

And I'd know, because I'd counted every single one of them.

"Tzuyu." He repeats again, and I finally turn around to meet his chocolate eyes.

One large hand is clasped around his shoulder. The other is planted on the bed as he struggles to sit up.


To sit up.

I swallow.

"What's wrong?" He asks with his deep, rich voice. "Don't tell me that you're hurt, too. Why are you not coming to me, Tzuyu? Please don't tell me this is a dream."

"Come to me."

This is so wrong. I'm so selfish, if I really just forget about what I did to him and just melt into his arms like this.

I'm so selfish.

I really am.

"It isn't." I sniffle, swiping at my watering eyes. His voice seems a bit alarmed at my statement.

"What isn't?" He asks, and I can hear the blankets rustle. "What isn't, Tzuyu? Tell me— why aren't you looking at me?"

My heart shivers at how desperate he sounds.

"It's not a dream, so don't worry." I say, giving my eyes one last hard rub before breaking into a happy smile. "And don't get up— I don't want you to hurt your shoulder."

I'm selfish.

He finally relaxes when I wrap my arms around his shoulders, burying my face into his neck as I fluff his hair.

"I'm okay, so lie back down."

"No." He breathes as he pulls me closer, tugging on the corner of my ear. "Were you teasing me, Tzuyu? You're starting to mess me up, huh?"

"W-What do you mean?" I quickly protest, putting on an innocent expression as he presses his lips against my forehead.

"Don't scare me like that."

"Sorry," I mutter as I look down on my crossed fingertips, and his gaze turns mysterious. "Sorry for all this."

"It's not your fault."

"Yeah it is," I whisper as I cross my legs on the bed. "I'm sorry I didn't listen. I'm sorry 'cause I nearly—"

He frowns.

"Don't apologize. You have nothing to be sorry for." He says firmly as he sits up on the bed, swinging his legs even though they touch the floor.

His eyes go wide.

"Is this why you wouldn't look at me earlier? Because you thought this was all somehow your fault?"

I can't meet his gaze.

Then all of a sudden, I gasp when he pushes me down onto the bed. His warm brown eyes is the only thing I can see as he starts to tickle the soft spot on my neck.

My lips explode in helpless laughter.

"Stop!" I gasp as he giggles, restraining my hands with one hand as he continues to tickle me with the other.

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