The Plan of Park Jimin

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"What the—"

The coffee cup I'm holding nearly flies into the air when something slams into my shoulder, and I barely balance it back as I watch Jimin in disbelief.

He's gasping.

"Yah! Park Jimin!" I turn around to see the nurse from before, her face red and confused. "What do you mean? Who's Jungkook?"


"Sorry, Tzuyu!" He yells over his shoulder as he disappears down the corridor, yelping another excuse me as he slams into another nurse.



My eyes fly open when I hear the door slam against the wall. Sleep leaves me in a flash when I see a coated man, a furious expression on his face as he growls.

"Kim Taehyung, is it?"

Even though my mind feels cloudy with sedatives, it doesn't take me another second to figure out the entire situation.

It had been bruises on her wrists after all.

When the man turns back to leave, I grip his collar and pull harshly. Kicking the door close with my foot, I turn towards the surgeon with my eyes closed.

I open them, eyes slitted.

"You're the reason why Jimin's so afraid to step inside another hospital, aren't you."

"You're the reason to his trauma."

"You know him too." He hisses, getting back up to his feet. "Of course— you're the patient that freak treated."

A crazed grin splits his face.


"This is very good."

I'd been expecting this— I hadn't been expecting him to be calm, to be collected. As he lunges at me, my fingers grasp around the collar of his surgeon coat.

My parents were much worse than him.

A yelp escapes his lips as I knock him off balance, my fist curled to slam into his face.

He's about to get knocked out.

Why is he smiling?

And then I see it, and my entire body goes taut as I glimpse the flash of silver between his clammy fingers. Silver— the color of knives.

The color of blades.

When I try to shift back, my vision suddenly splits in two. The entire world dips into a haze as I stumble, releasing his collar.

I can feel the ground under my palms.

And it's trembling.

"Did you really think I'm a doctor at this age for nothing?" He smirks, and I gasp when my breathing rapidly slows down, each breath tugging violently at my heart.

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