The Reason Why

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Crap— did he hear everything that I said? How long had he been standing there?

But to my absolute relief, his face looks confused as he opens the rest of the unlocked door, which a certain genius had forgotten to close after he'd let me in.

"What are you doing here?" V's voice is still rich with sleep, and one of his eyes are closed as he blinks dazedly.

"She was asking about her homework." Jimin quickly says, plainly noticing my astounded expression. "Eleventh grade biology is difficult, you know. Lots of complicated— vocabulary, and stuff."

V tilts his head.

"Where's the homework?"


Even Jimin's face goes pale at that, but miraculously, V doesn't push the topic any further. It stuns me that he doesn't say anything else— which was definitely another confirmation that he was very tired.

And therefore, stressed.

All that he does next is to collapse on the long couch that Jungkook is at, both of his eyes already closed from sleep.

"Hmm," Jimin whispers, his eyes fixed on the asleep man. "I don't think you're the reason, Tzuyu. Definitely not."

"Reason? What reason?"

"The reason to his stress," Jimin remarks, passing a blanket to the maknae. In turn, Jungkook easily throws the covers over V's motionless form.

"How do you know that for sure?" I ask, wringing my hands from anxiety. What if I really was the reason to his sudden change in behavior? What if Jimin was actually right— then whatever else could it be? Nearly nothing in this world could faze V, and that was the truth.

"See, I mean—" Jimin says casually, rubbing at his eyes. "He didn't even tense up when he saw you. Perfectly normal reaction, and now he's sleeping on our couch. So whatever it is, it's not about any of us."

"Shh." Jungkook whispers, trying his hardest to put a pillow underneath V's head without disturbing him."Hyung is sleeping."


"Class dismissed!"

Jimin announces as he puts down his chalk. As soon as his permission is given, I quickly slip out of my seat to go look for V.

It was lunchtime next, and I was perfectly willing to sacrifice the time to go spy on him. Besides, I usually visited the Teacher's Lounge to eat anyways, always using the time given for our lunch to either read or study instead.

I didn't have much friends, not after the fainting incident last year. They all thought my disorder was just an excuse to get attention, when it really wasn't.

And there wasn't any point in explaining when they already believed that I was the liar so firmly.

The hallways are empty with all the students gone, and the air perfectly silent. Even though it's light outside, it makes me think how scary it would be to come here after dark.

And then I hear a soft giggle.


V's dark voice— but what was he doing this far from his classroom? And it hadn't even been much time since class had been dismissed.

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