You Have Me

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The sudden sound makes me look up from the pan of bacon and eggs I was frying, my expression frozen with surprise.

The shock melts away when I see V lower the dark eye of the camera, eyes intent and focused to examine the picture. My lips curve into a smile as I dial down the fire, transferring the food to a plate.

Ever since I'd shown him how to use a camera, all he'd been doing was taking pictures. Even though it was mostly of me, he'd also captured photographs of fluorescent sunsets and pale, evergreen trees, whatever he found beautiful.

"Beautiful," He says as I push a hot plate of food towards him, my hands already reaching for the camera.

When I finally think he'll let me see his work, he leans back away from me, eyes smiling. A groan escapes my lips when he quickly puts the camera on his lap, tilting his head innocently in my direction along with the most innocent pair of eyes I'd ever seen from him.

"You just watch," I threaten playfully, taking a bite of my scrambled eggs. "I'm going to go through every one of the pictures you took while you're sleeping, and then I'll take one of you."

At my threat, V wordlessly stands up. Without making a single sound, he strides over to the cupboard and gets on his tiptoes, smiling as he watches my stunned reaction.

And then he places the camera at the highest shelf, someplace that we both know that I can't reach.

My lips instantly arrange themselves into an annoyed pout, and I intentionally look in the other direction when he walks back over to the dinner table.


He could be so annoying sometimes.

In my peripheral vision, I see the corner of his lips twist into a smirk before he disappears from my vision. At that, disbelief clouds my mind.

Did he really just leave me here?

"Come on, Tzuyu."

Any negative emotions I'd harbored in my brain dissipates like mist when his deep voice reverberates against my earlobe, and my entire body goes stiff with surprise and tension.

I'd thought he'd left.

His fingers are gentle as he tilts my head upwards, lips soft and warm as he presses them against mine. I can feel his hands smoothing down my locks, teasing each of the dark strands into life.

This was exactly the problem.

My annoyance fades like dust as he kisses my forehead, and I watch his eyes spark with beauty and fire. Instead of the waves of frustration I should be feeling at the moment, I only feel desire and adoration.

He's subduing me.

Rousing me.

Taming me.

And I love it.

"I hate you," I say, hurrying to find a plate to cover my crimson face. He makes it too easy to chase away my anger, replace it with happiness. The uncontrollable smile on my lips is beginning to hurt, and I don't even care.

He is mesmerizing.

"You'll be alright," He replies, and I can hear the amusement in his voice as he takes the empty plate from my grip. I half-expect his careful, captivating eyes holding mine when he does, but I'm grateful to find that he's turned his back on me to return the dish to the sink.

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