The Ending

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Tzuyu's POV

"Quick— there's a person in there!"

The sound of fire engines and the foamy water spraying from the hoses deafen my ears as my mouth drops open in pure shock.

Jimin and Jungkook's apartment.

Is on fire for the second time.

Next to me, Jimin watches his house go up in flames with strangely blank eyes— like somehow he'd expected this from the beginning.

And when I glance over the shoulders of the firefighters, I recognize the face of the man that'd nearly broken my wrists a few days ago.

Why was he...?

His hair is burnt black, and I can see through his ragged clothing the burns on his skin. And Jimin still watches this without a single change in expression.

Why was he in their apartment in the first place? Had he broken in and entered?

Then Jimin suddenly taps the shoulder of the police officer that'd gathered from all the commotion.

"Arrest him, please." He says, and my eyes widen at what he says next. "He broke in our apartment to kill a person."


Two hours earlier

"Wait— we're not going back to your apartment?" Mira asks in surprise as Jimin shakes his head, motioning us towards a grumpy Yoongi.

"He needs help with— um, housework." Jimin excuses, and all our faces instantly twist into a frown.

"Housework? For someone I don't even know?" Mira huffs as Dove looks at us in confusion. Only when Jimin signs her does her face look uncertain, eyes glancing back and forth from the dozing man.

Yoongi rolls his eyes, yawning.

"Come on— I don't have time for this." He grumbles as he finally crosses his arms. "I'll let you use my TV, fine."

"We all have TV's." I shoot back. "Why can't we just stay at yours like we've done for the last few days?"

"There's people coming to finalize the renovation." Jimin says, eyes pleading. "It'll really just be a while."

"I promise."


Jimin's POV

By now, Jihoon would be checking his microphones to see if his targets were still where he thought I'd placed them.

The call finally goes through, and Jin hyung's voice rings from the other side.

"Chimmie! Did you—"

"Hyung, did you edit the recordings from the microphones Mira placed? Does it sound like three girls having a normal day at their house?"

"Oh that— I already have it hooked up on the speakers around your apartment. Should I start playing now?"

A relieved sigh racks through my body.

"Thanks, hyung. Yeah, that'd be great. I'm really—"

"You didn't forget the deal, right?" He asks, and I smile for what seems to be like the first time in ages. "You better have not forgotten about the deal."

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