VI - Rejection

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"And I don't really care..."

She dropped my jaw and I watched her walk out of the gates to God knows where. Wait was that, what was that? Rejection? Wait is this what rejection feels like? I've never felt rejection before. How could she not fall for my little trap? Even I tried to play the nervous card but all she did was look at me like she saw right through me. Did she see that I was just pretending? What if she did?

Now I see why Boss is so interested in her, she's a tough nut to crack.

I head over to my car and slide in, trying to figure out where she went. When the gates opened, I sped right through, taking a left. I tried to find out where she went but I couldn't see her dark brown waves anywhere.


After what felt like hours (but was really 20 minutes) I was almost giving up. I was about to head back home to get some rest until I saw it.

Her long pink skirt with her dark brown waves. She had headphones on and looked like she couldn't give a care in the world, so even if I tried honking my horn or calling her name she wouldn't hear it.

I decided to park my car behind a building that was in the direction of where she was heading. I thanked whatever God's that were on my side today because it had an alleyway that I can just pull her in and force her to listen to me.

I watched her from the the corner and she looked, absolutely stunning. I didn't get to take a good look at her at the school, but now that I can, just wow.

Her long dark brown waves were behind her shoulder, caught in the breeze that added a dramatic affect to her strolling. Her lips, ugh, I mentally groan at how perfect they are. They're so lusciously pink and plump, and they just sit there on her brown caramel skin. What's most captivating though, are her eyes, I still haven't figured her out yet. They say the way to the soul is through the eyes and yet, her eyes were blank. She was getting closer so I,

I waited, and waited, and waited, until....

"WHAT THE FU-" but I covered her mouth with my hand just in time for her cursing.

"Shhh kitten, don't you think it's bad when you're cursing?" I asked with a smirk.



"WHAT THE FU-" I felt my arm getting pulled so roughly I thought it was going to get pulled out of it's socket! Who in the fudgeballs would pull someone into an alley way in the middle of the da-

"Shh kitten, don't you think it's bad when you're cursing?" Those eyes, those freckles, that smirk that I just want to back hand off of his stupid gorgeous face. He just won't stop will he? Like is he really serious right now? I couldn't believe the nerve of this guy! He thinks it's okay just to pull schoolgirls into a fucking alleyway in the middle of the day?!

It seemed like he could read the frustration on my face because I saw a glint of confusion and fear pass through his eyes, but just as fast as it got there, it was quickly covered up with a cold mask.

His hand was still over my mouth, preventing me from protesting against his actions, and his hand on my hip just to keep me steady, but thank the God's that it wasn't on my arm. I quickly felt his hand loosen from my mouth and in the flash of an eye I threw a right hook at his jaw. He stumbled back from the hit and he looked back at me surprised. He cupped his hand in his jaw and wiggled it around a bit. He soon covered it up with a smirk and got into a fighting stance.

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