XXIV - Take

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I watched as the man my father had called 'William' pulled out a handgun from his back. I immediately took the gun from Matt's waistband and pulled the safety to shoot. As I aimed my gun between his eyes, the men behind him pulled their guns out as well, nonetheless I pulled my trigger and took my chances while the boys went behind the vehicle.

Bullets were coming my way but their aim was embarrassingly off. I aimed for stomachs, heads, and hearts as I was left untouched. I went for the kill right away, deciding not to be merciful towards the men that wanted my father's head.

As the men were on the ground, I heard more motorcycles coming from my left and realized they had backup coming to help. I walked up to 'William' and checked his pockets for more weapons and found a pocket knife. I heard the engines coming closer and decided to throw the pocket knife in the front tire of the man leading the pack of guys. Bullseye.

The motorcycle had fallen to the side, causing the ones behind him to crash into it. I watched as Dill and Will shot the ones that didn't topple over the mountain of men with Zach in tow. I heard an engine start to my right and watched as my father drove out of the docks in the semi truck to the warehouse.

Surviving motorcyclists followed the semi truck and I jumped into my car to follow.


I looked over to Rivers who tossed me an 81 Assault Rifle, he then slid back into his car and so did the others as I raced off into the direction of the semi truck. When I saw the motorcycles come into view my blood started boiling. I shifted into 5th gear and sped past the 10 surviving motorcyclists who, may I add, will not be alive much longer. I was right beside the semi truck and told my father to speed up to give me room. He did as told and I slowed down to get behind his tail. When I was successfully at enough distance from the motorcycles, I pulled my E-brake and turned my wheel to the right so the motorcycles crashed into the passengers side of the car, causing them to crash into each other as I was safe.

Nine, fucking nine.

I jumped out of my car with the assault rifle and started shooting towards the one who swerved my car just in time.


I walked to the passengers side of the Audi and shot the injured that were laying on the hot asphalt.


I heard a car door close and saw Will and Dill come out of their car, "Are you okay sugar?" They asked concerned.

I chuckled in response, "You're asking the Baby Blu Assassin if they're alright, I should be the one asking you that." I walked past them and headed to the back seat of their car, "C'mon, let's make sure that shipment is at the warehouse," I yelled behind my shoulder.

They got in the car and Will started the engine. I leaned forward and kissed them both on the cheek which made them both shocked, "Seriously though, how do you guys feel?" I asked concerned.

"Same old same old, " Dill answered blushing.

We made it to the warehouse where we met up with Zach, Matt, and Rivers, "Where's my father?"

"He's sending more men to protect the warehouse just in case anyone had followed him from the Blood Diamonds, " Matt informed.

A couple seconds later my father came out and told us to meet at the house. We nodded our heads in response and I started walking back towards the twins' car, "Oh no no no kitten, you're riding with me," Rivers said as he started pulling me towards his Aventador.

"Why? We're going to the same place anyway," I complained.

"Exactly so you don't need to go with them, now be a good girl and get your ass into that car," he warned. I let out a little huff but obeyed anyways.

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