XXXI - Know Me

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I stepped out of the steaming hot shower and walked up to the mirror. I wiped the fog off, staring at my reflection, replaying all that had happened tonight.

The boys looked so scared of me, I don't want them to be scared of me. Should I help them understand? Should I hide my past?

I weighed my choices but soon came up with my answer. I quickly changed into grey pj shorts with a black loose crop top. I started to head downstairs ready for the conversation that will possibly help them understand the spark of Baby Blu.

"My daughter is the fucking devil," I heard father say as I approached the sitting area that they still haven't moved from since we came back.

"Not the devil father, I'd prefer myself more of a demon," I exclaimed as I sat down in the recliner facing them all. They all sat up immediately and stared up at me wide eyed, "Don't worry you guys, I'm not going to hurt any of you, I would never hurt you. Now I know you guys have questions, and I am more than welcome to answer them, " I offered as they relaxed a little back into the sofas, though they all still stared at me as if I would pull out a gun and aim it at them any minute.

"What made you like this?" Rivers blurted out. All eyes were on him at his sudden grow of balls.

"Specify," I ordered.

"Like, what's your story? How did you become the Baby Blu assassin in the first place?" He asked curiously.

I let out a nervous chuckle, " There was a point in time where I would have a very, very short temper. This girl at school had been harassing me for awhile and I was fed up with her. I dragged her outside of the school and we fought. She had to be sent to the hospital with several injuries and I was sent to a police station to be questioned. Someone had apparently paid the officers off to clear my record of previous incidents and keep it cleared until the dawn of time.

" A man had approached me and forced me to have dinner with him with threatening my family so I obliged, " I shuddered at the memory, but continued, "He asked me to be part of his, ' circle of friends ' as he called it and he offered me a lot if I did. In the end we made a little compromise and in exchange for me fighting for him, he had to have my family protected, I had to get a portion of the money, and no one could know my identity. I fought for him for three years and killed a lot, and I mean a lot of people during that time. He told me I never needed a trainer because everything just came natural to me, everything was processed through skill and reflex. I always followed his orders, even if they were stupid because this man seemed powerful to me, but later I realized that I had more power than him.

"About the other things like cars and weapons and stuff, that was what I had learned by myself. I raced for him a lot too, all of it was normal to me, but scary because I was so good at doing the bad things. He had kept using me for irrelevant things and I got fed up with it, my family and I fled the country but live in two different countries just in case so he only harms me and not my family. I knew I was deadly, I knew it. I made a name of myself but not in a good way." I finished off.

"What was his name?" Father asked.

"I never knew his true name. He always had everybody call him John Doe because nobody knew his real name." I explained.

"Where were you?" Matt asked out of the blue.

"California, most of the gang activity is done there since the population in that state is bananas," I chuckled.

"Do you ever feel remorse? Guilty?" Zach asked with an expression I couldn't decipher.

I thought about it long and hard, "Do you?" He shook his head. These men only killed people that deserved to be killed, I didn't know if the people I hurt deserved it or not, but then again I never asked questions.

"Was it hard in the beginning? Like the stress and pressure and stuff like that?" Dill asked curiously.

"Nothing I'm not used to," I mumbled.

They nodded their heads and took in all of the information. That's how the night went, they asked more questions about the man and they learned a lot about me. At the end of the night they all had gone to bed but I stayed in the kitchen to get a snack.

As I was eating my sandwich I felt the familiar arms wrap around under my breasts and the familiar scent of his cologne filled my nose: lavender, creative.

"Shouldn't you be sleeping," I asked Rivers.

"I can't go to sleep without feeling you in my arms," he said as if he was a three year old who needed his favorite blanket.

We stayed that way for awhile as I finished off my sandwich. I put my dish in the sink and turned to him, "Are you scared of me?" I asked above a whisper. Fudge, I like this guy, it really did hurt when he looked at me as if he didn't recognize me. He was scared of touching me when all I needed was his touch to bring me back. I even think, that I possibly, maybe, love him.

It's a scary thing to think about, but it was true. I think I really love him. He's made me feel more emotions than anybody has in the past month. Hell, he's made me feel like I wasn't an assassin. I loved this man, I loved Rivers. It would kill me to know he's scared of me.

"I was, but now that I understand where you're coming from, I know that you did everything for a reason. You made a promise to someone and you never break them, I understand that," he explained as he brushed a strand of hair behind my ear. I felt relieved that this man before me wasn't scared, I mean I would be too if I were in his position, sometimes I'm even scared of what I'm capable of.

My heart fluttered as he placed a soft kiss on my forehead and lead me up to our bedroom. He shuffled under the covers next to me until his chest was in my face. I put my leg over his and my arm over his waist as he played with my hair until I fell asleep.

I heard his heart beat steady as he drifted off into his dreams, and soon after I dived after him into the sea of dreams that consumed me.

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